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Hey this is Bay it's my first fanfic hope you like it!!!!! BayBay❤💚💜💙💛


Late. I am so late. I'm going to be in major trouble! Alright I'm here. My name is Marielle and I am a senior in high school and I am late for first period. I was just entering the school texting my best friend Ann to stall for me until I get to class. Then...........


I didn't know who I ran into but it happened so fast I didn't have a chance to look at their face I know it was a boy though. He had curly brown hair and had on dark shades so I couldn't see his face anyway. All my books and contents of my bag were scattered on the floor. I grabbed for my things and my phone and ran to class.

I sat down at my desk and the teacher didn't even notice me. I got out my notebook ant started writing.

The rest of the day was fine but I couldn't stop thinking about the curly haired boy I ran into. I was heading back to my 87 Nova when I take out my phone to text Ann. But when I was trying to find her number there was not one name or number I knew. That was when I knew I took the wrong phone.

This was the boy that I ran into's phone. We must have both had iPhones because I grabbed the first one I saw and it was the one closest to me. I look at the pictures and I realize I just ran into Harry Styles. Omg what am I going to do

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