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AuroraFest2021 is an event for all creatinys to participate, inspired by the song Aurora from ATEEZ!

AuroraFest2021 is an event for all creatinys to participate, inspired by the song Aurora from ATEEZ!

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This fest is about encouraging writers and share what Aurora inspires you!

May, 23 - Check in!

On this day all subscribed participants will submit their works so far. Don't worry, we won't share the content or spoil it, the intention is only to check how our writer are so far.

Are you still participating? How's your motivation? Do you need any help?

It's only to answer those questions :)

June, 03 - Subscriptions deadlines.

For Wattpad, the only category available is Named, since moderation can't post anonymously in this platform.

(We accept suggestions though)

So on June 3rd all participants must submit their work by sending us a link through dm @teezersfics, so we can share it during the event (Reading List on Wattpad and tweeting about it).

We also ask to mark (@) us in the work so we can find it.

Q. What if I didn't post the fic yet, how do I send the link?
We ask you to send us a PDF through email (teezersfics@gmail.com) or share a google docs link. Moderation will not edit or spoil it, it's for checking purposes.

June 10-18: Main event!

Aurora Fest will begin in June 10th, the song's release date, and will last until June 18th. It's when we will share the works!


Any doubts about the event or dates?

Read more to access more information.

AURORA FEST 2021Where stories live. Discover now