arson. yay

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Hi. Okay. Hi

Y/N's parents are going to be based on my own. I have mommy issues, not daddy issues, so yeah. If you have daddy issues, then you can just imagine the mom as your dad.

Disclaimer: Y/N's parents are not dead, they have not been in a tragic car accident leaving Aizawa to take care of her. They are alive. One of them kinda sucks tho.

You 👇(This is obviously pointing at you) Yes you, you are Y/N
Y/N may appear to be confident on the outside, always looking happy and putting others before herself, but really, she wasn't. She was insecure, was paranoid that everyone hated her, and always tired. Her mother, the person she despised the most, always talked down to her, making her seem like she was less that she really was.

Sometimes Y/N would stay up late, contemplating the things she had done wrong, beating herself up over them. Her father on the other hand, was the opposite. He was very supportive, and always made her feel loved. Her parents were total opposites and because of this, they weren't able to keep their failing marriage together. They ended up getting divorced when Y/N was young, so she didn't remember any of it. The custody battle ended with Y/N staying with her mother for most of the time, and only getting to see her father every other weekend.

Enough about her parents though, now it's time to reveal her quirk. Y/N is able to convert the sun's raybeams (I dunno what to say for them) into energy. Because of this, she is able to store up energy to jump high or run fast. (Athletic bitch, definitely not me). She can also shoot beams out of her hand. (pew pew hands). However, she can only use her quirk when the sun is out, and if she uses it too much, then she'll suffer from severe exhaustion and mild headaches.

Because of her quirk, Y/N usually tends to sleep a lot. However, she is usually very punctual and likes to keep everything in order (Definitely not me, I'm a mess all the time). If she is late, she tends to criticize herself, and think of what she could have done to prevent that.

This is the end for this chapter, it was really just backround information


While I was writing this, autocorrect tried to correct raybeams to ray rams. I'm going to call them ray rams now.
Also, I ate some pretty good ramen today. It was from a restaurant.
Also also, hot pockets should only be called thot pockets.

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