Chapter 1

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It was the first actual scene that Richard shot, a dialogue between him and the elvenking Lee Pace, that would come in the second movie.

Since Lee had arrived on set, Richard had watched him. He'd never seen any of his works until he'd heard that Lee would be on the Hobbit, so he had bought a couple DVDs of Lee's earlier work.

He was incredibly surprised by his performance in Soldier's girl, and his performance on Pushing Daisies was really good but mostly adorable. What Richard didn't know was that Lee had sort of fanboyed when he knew he was going to act with Richard, having seen most of his work and admired it.

So, that day when Lee and Richard were finally properly introduced to one another, Richard was kind of stunned. If Lee was nervous at all, he was hiding it very well, as any skilled actor would.

Richard was a skilled actor, but also a very shy one, and he wasn't very good at making friends. To top it off, his prosthetics hurt and he felt rather grumpy.

Looking at Lee, his grumpiness instantly disappeared, and he actually smiled that day. The shooting however didn't go so well for he was rather baffled by the fact that Lee Pace was so close to his face and used really nice aftershave.

During a beak, Peter came up to him. "You okay Rich? You seem a bit out of it today.." The taller man sighed softly. "I'm sorry Pete, I'll do my best."

Pete nodded, and after the break it did go better. Richard forced himself not to lose himself in those gorgeous sapphire eyes, but tried to feel the hatred that Thorin felt so deeply towards this elf.

When they were done for the day, he wanted to say bye to Lee, but found he had already left. Slightly disappointed, he went back to his trailer, having dinner on his own and not joining the others for any late night games.

The next day, they were doing a different scene with the entire company, and Richard felt much more comfortable, not being in one room with just Lee. Lee, however, was working on a set next to theirs and Richard could see him fight, and damn that man was gracious and his muscles flexed beautifully.

Graham pinched him before snickering at the other's reaction. "You were staring.." Richard felt a blush creep up on his cheeks as he retorted. "No I wasn't." Graham raised his eyebrows. Richard sighed. "Alright, I was. I was just fascinated by the way he fights with that long sword."

Graham glanced at Lee before walking off to the rest, Richard following a few paces behind him as he wondered why he was so obsessed with Lee, even though he'd only known him for a few days.

Even if Richard liked Lee, which he doubted, but if he did, the younger man would never like him back. Richard had never been quite a lovable type, people thought him to be intimidating. Not many people knew that behind that tall man with the deep voice, was a man who was gentle and kind, caring for others and loving the simple things in life.

And what Richard yet again didn't notice, was that Lee every now and then glanced in his direction, following the older man's movements and admiring his acting.

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