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“You’re a complete idiot,” Somi said shaking her head.
“That, and it's the most idiotic thing people ever do to prove a point. It just— doesn’t make sense!” Wendy added.

“Sorry babe, we all know I’m not your girlfriend’s biggest fan, but I’m with her this time, which is saying something, that’s how big of a fool you were or are, if you’re willing to continue this stupid ... bet,” Somi finished before sipping her latte.

Rosé groaned, “How many times do I have to tell you?! It’s NOT a bet! It’s not! I just want to prove a point here!” She huffed and slumped into her chair.

“By asking her a sex tape? What year are we in now, Rosé? Why the hell are you still stuck in Paris Hilton era?!” Wendy said, unamused with the whole thing.

“It wasn’t— Ughhh why do I need to explain this again?! Look I was just trying to prove to Kai that I’m not a pushover—”

“Whipped,” Somi and Wendy said at the same time.

“I’m NOT whipped! See I was trying to say—”

“You said that earlier, dummy, you said you wanted to prove that you’re not a, quote, whipped-motherfucker like what that stupid ass face always said about me, end of quote,” Wendy said stating the fact.

Rosé was stunned for a moment. What the hell was with her always needing to defend herself. She huffed, “I’m NOT a pushover or whipped or whatever. Jen always said yes every time I’m being kinky except sex tape. So I’m not giving up and went along with her just because she said no.” Rosé nodded, thinking she had it right by now.

“That’s the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! If you want to prove to everyone that you’re not a pussy whipped, then you could’ve said no eveytime she asked you to do something. I say, that was just you being a fucking pervert, and seriously why would you say yes to that bet with Kai, didn't he use to date Jennie? I remember you were having a meltdown back then, to the point you went to a hospital,” Somi said.

Wendy nodded, “it was horrible, at that time we didn’t realize that you had it that bad for her.”

“It wasn’t like that! Stop twisting fact! I was rushed to the ER because I fell and got sprained ankle during practice. Also, let me make this thing clear again, it wasn’t a bet!!! How many times do I need to explain???!” Rosé groaned, annoyed and almost-frustrated with the persistent bet accusation.

Like hell I'd admit that I fell due to lack of focus because of that stupid Kai being all smitten and shit with my Nini, on the fucking bleacher, in front of me! Fucking asshole! I should've just shaved his head bald back then, probably Jen would’ve dumped him sooner. Hmmm ... why didn't I think about this before? Rosé was lost in her thoughts.

“Just so you know, you’ve said yes to Kai also considers being a pushover,” Wendy added, bringing Rosé back to the present.

Rosé frowned, her arms were crossing, she was tired of arguing about this shit. She was contemplating what her friends just said, now that she was thinking about it ... they did make sense, like why the hell did she agree with Kai? She closed her eyes for a few seconds and realization hit her hard.

“I’m fucking stupid,” she sighed. Both of her friends nodded, definitely agreeing with their friend.

“Fact of the day, babe.” Somi chuckled, causing Wendy to laugh at what the tall girl had just said.

Rosé ignored her friend’s statement, and just sipped her green tea to calm her thoughts down. After a while she said, “If I apologize will that be considered as being whipped?”

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