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Two weeks pass, and Jared and Krickitt barely spoke. They only communicated if it had to do with the babies. Jared slept on the couch, which was his decision. Krickitt would cry herself to sleep some nights, just aching for something from him. He hardly looked at her, much less had a conversation with her. When she tried talking to him, he was always short. She tried to touch his arm once and he shrugged away from her coldly. It was becoming too much for her to bear. She felt herself falling apart from the inside.

She lay in bed, once again alone, letting her silent tears hit the pillowcase. She ran her hand across the side of the bed where Jared used to sleep. She missed him, even though they were still in the same house and saw each other every day. She sat up, wiped her tears, sniffed up her runny nose and hopped off the bed. She charged into the living room where Jared was getting ready to go to sleep. He heard her footsteps and looked up at her once, then returned his focus to getting his makeshift bed in order. "How long is this going to go on? This punishment? I'm sorry I said no to you, Jared, but I can't go on like this. I know you're hurting, but I'm hurt too! I love you, please, just come back to me."

Jared stood there, soaking in every word of hers. "I'm sorry. I think I need more time." "Fuck that, Jared! I need you now! I'm going crazy. I can't stop crying. I cannot take this anymore." He finally looked up into her eyes. The word crying struck him hard. "I didn't know you've been crying." Krickitt sniffled and nodded, looking down at the floor as to not burst into more tears. "Oh, Angel, I'm so sorry." he said and went to her, embracing her tighter than he ever had before. She sighed with relief and wrapped her arms around him. "I love you so much." he whispered against her cheek before kissing it. She pulled away just enough to look into his eyes, the ones whose hue were passed on to her sons. "Can we go to bed now?" She asked, already knowing his answer.

They made love, probably more passionately than ever, truly indulging in and appreciating one another. They realized that even though they wanted different things when it came to marriage, their love for each other triumphed over everything. They were still connected, skin to skin, still hot and panting when they heard one of the boys crying over the baby monitor. "I'll get him, babe." Krickitt said, and then kissed Jared on his forehead. "Okay.'' he replied. As she walked out, he watched her, and relaxed against the pillows, feeling satisfied and happy.

~1 Year Later~

Asher was already walking, his younger brother, Forest was still using the furniture to move around on his toddling feet. Though he was behind, he was eager to keep up with his brother. Krickitt and Jared hoped that it wouldn't be discouraging for the young boy as the years went on. They also thought once the walking hurdle was crossed, perhaps the boys would be at the same pace from then onward.

They were having a little family picnic at a local park, complete with Shannon and young Lana, and Grandma Constance. Lana loved her little cousins and was really good at playing with them and showing them patience. After the gang finished eating, she took the boys for a short walk in a nearby patch of grass. Asher toddled with her confidently, while she held the hands of Forest. The family was impressed with how strong his legs were becoming.

Lana noticed too, and slowly let go of his grip and he took several steps on his own before falling down on his bottom. His mother squealed with happiness. "Forest!" she shouted as she ran to him and picked him up. "You walked!" Krickitt kissed her son's soft cheek and beamed with pride. "Good job, buddy." Jared said as he approached them. Little Asher started to tug at Jared's pant leg. He bent down and picked up his older son.

Krickitt took a moment to admire her family, each of them so precious to her. She had been having a thought about their future. She wanted it to continue on just as beautifully as it was right now, but she had an idea that was not so traditional. She was going to be the one to propose this time around. She looked at Jared, "Marry me." He looked back at her inquisitively, "What?" "Jared Joseph Leto, I love you, will you marry me?" He smiled bigger than he had since the babies were born, "Of course I will!" he kissed her passionately. The boys giggled happily in their parents arms.

Anddddd that's the end! Thank you for reading this story. This has been a long time coming, so I hope it was a worthy ending. I hope you'll tune in to my other stories. Again, thank you!!

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