2- Strange and beautiful

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Everything came back to me, every memory came back in a flash and it was painful. Not physically but emotionally, it was painful because I remembered him. I tried so hard to forget everything we had and for a while it was just a small throbbing at my heart, now the pain is as sharp as when it happened.


''Ariel aren't you coming with us to the lagoon?'' Asked my sister Attina when she saw me leave the castle the opposite way.

''Actually I was going to go look for things.''

''But it's as if your only doing this, these past few days.'' She says pouting slightly. Time to think fast Ariel.

''Yeah, it's just I haven't found much lately so I just…'' She cut me off before I had time to finish.

''Alright just be back before the storm hit. Oh and be careful there's a ship in the cannibal's cove, so stay clear of there, unless you want to drown them, ha ha. If you need us you know where we'll be.'' With that she left.

''Bye.'' I said, even though she was already gone. Well, it went better than I thought. I then made my way straight to the cannibal's cove.

Once I was within reach of the ship I propped myself up on its side. I was hopping to see the beautiful blue eyed, black haired man that was giving orders to the other humans but the ship was deserted. Where could they be? I let myself fall back in the water and looked around. That's when I saw the mini boats on the beach. So that's where they disappeared to. Well that's a bummer, I thought while pouting slightly.

Maybe I should go see my sisters. Before I could finish that sullen thought I saw them, the men of the ship, getting back in the mini boats, laughing. I dived fast under and watched the boats hulls approach the ship to get hauled up. Once the last boat was up I went back up and looked, there was still one boat on the beach. I got back on the side of the ship and searched the deck for the blue eyed man. He wasn't there. He must still be on shore.

I flopped back in the water and kept a look out for him. The sky started to get grey, the wind picked up. I should go home, the storm is coming. Just as I was about to make my way home I saw him get in the boat and row towards the ship. Thunder erupted and the waves grew in intensity. I watched as a big one crashed his boat as he was about to reach the ship, sinking it with him aboard.

I swam as fast as I could towards him and dragged him to shore. Please be alive, please be alive, please be alive. Once there I dropped him and fell on his chest. Water gushed out of his mouth and he started to breathe again. His eyes fluttered open and he was even more beautiful up close than I thought possible. He reached out his hand towards my face and said: ''You saved…'' He passed out before his hand reached my face.

I started playing with his hair absently while singing softly.

''I've been watching your world from afar,

I've been trying to be where you are,
And I've been secretly falling apart,
I'll see.''

The storm was settling down. The sun started to peek out from beneath the clouds.

''To me, you're strange and you're beautiful,
You'd be so perfect with me but you just can't see,
You turn every head but you don't see me.''

He gently pried his eyes open and gazed at me. ''Hi, beautiful.'' He said barely audible.

''Hi.'' I replied smiling slightly.

He was about to say something, when we heard in the distance. ''Captain! Captain Jones!'' He turned towards the sound of the voice and I rapidly dashed back in the water. With a dreamy smile on my face I made my way back home.


I was so lost in thoughts I failed to notice a purple mist pass all around me. Some tears escaped my eyes as I made my way inside in a sort of trance. I somehow ended up in the kitchen and sat at the dinner table looking out the back door window, lost in memory lane. I don't know how long I just sat there.

I suddenly heard: ''Ariel, I would like you to meet my wife Alice.'' I turned around startled and was met by my friend, Jefferson, the man I saved in Neverland and the one who saved me here in the asylum. He was holding hand with a pretty blonde woman with green questioning eyes. ''Alice this is Ariel, you remember when I told you about the mermaid that saved me and helped me acquire the special ink, a witch needed. Well that's her.'' He told his wife who then got a big smile on her face, she gave him a small kiss on the lips then let go of his hand and stepped up to me. ''I'll go make us some lunch.'' With that Jefferson disappeared in the kitchen.

She took a seat on the chair beside me and started asking me questions about my life here and telling me about hers. Then we started talking about our life before the curse. I tried to speak as little as possible so as not to remember the memories I was trying to forget. I was grateful for the distraction it kept the heartache at bay and Alice had a lot to say about her life. She was telling me about her sister Snow who she thought was dead in the enchanted forest but now she saw her here so she can't wait to talk to her again and then she told me how she got separated from Jefferson, ended up in Neverland and that while she was there, her daughter that was 2 is now 10. She was telling me about her fears of seeing her again, scared that her daughter might hate her.

''Don't worry I'm sure that when she'll see you she'll be overjoyed to get both of her parents back.'' I said with a warm smile.

''Seitan souvlaki gyros with tzatziki sauce. I hope you don't mind vegan food, Ariel.'' Jefferson said as he came out of the kitchen with 2 plates that he placed in front of me and Alice.

''What's vegan food?'' I asked confused.

He gave me a gentle smile. ''It's food that doesn't come from animals.''

''Oh, yeah, sure it's fine.'' He then went back in the kitchen and came back with a plate for himself. He then sat across from Alice and they ate while looking lovingly at each other. I took a small bite and fell in love with how good it was.

When we were done eating, Jefferson gave me a tour of the house and gave me a room, he also told me that I could stay here for as long as I liked, which I appreciated greatly since I had nowhere else to go. He then gave me some clothes and I changed into an emerald green satin blouse with some blue skinny jeans. Then they showed to work a microwave, TV, radio, shower and how the fridge worked as well as many other electronics and appliances. It was pretty amazing.

''So are you going to be okay for a while?'' Asked Alice concerned.

''Sure, don't worry about me go and get your daughter back'' I said smiling.

She grabbed Jefferson's hand and asked him: ''Shall we?''

To which he replied: ''Let's.'' Then they both left out the door hand in hand.

Once they left I turned on the TV. It was set on a music channel. I listened to it. It was fun, when they repeated the words I sang along and it was great. After a little while I was getting hungry so I went in the kitchen and made myself a veggie pate sandwich with some water. Once I was done I did my dishes and decided to try the shower.

I turned it on then I stepped in. Not even 10 seconds after entering, I fell to the floor with my mermaid tail instead of legs. Well didn't see that one coming. I put the plug at the bottom of the tub and took a bath instead. Once I was done bathing and washing, I got out with quite some difficulties and waited for my tail to dry. When it was dry I got dressed, brushed my teeth and went straight to bed. Tomorrow I'll probably meet Grace and I'll see if I can hang out with Anna oh and maybe I'll go for a swim… With those thoughts I fell asleep.


song: Strange and beautiful – Aqualungs

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2015 ⏰

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