Part 3

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If anything in this document is similar to a copyrighted document, it is a coincidence.

Yay for part 3!!!! I got a few more reads since my last upload so I felt happy enough to secretly load this part onto wattpad. I'm supposed to be asleep. >:) so enjoy!!!

The road is dark, none of the torches are lit. I shiver and someone puts their arm around me. It is hot and muscly I shiver and lean into it. I feel half-asleep. I begin to feel the weight of the arm and it has begun to be to heavy I begin to fall under the weight of the huge arm. I turn to get a glimpse of the arm's owner and then...

"Ahhhhh!" I hate that dream. I have it whenever I stress about the princes. Today, I must visit Sebastian. Yay.

I am cautious when I pick out my outfit. The ladies of the serpent court almost always wear dresses unless they are going to war or to train, then they wear slacks. For a visitor to wear pants would send the message that the visitor doesn't trust the serpents or has come to train, a dangerous thing for a non-serpent to do. So in the end I choose a blood-red dress with the common serpent layer style.

The ride to the serpents palace was a short one. Since our kingdom shares a border it only took half the day. My father knows I shall stay there for a total of 3 days because of the long travel. I would have stayed for the whole day when I went to visit Dartia because it only takes two hours to get there by horseback.

I decide to ride, Nala, my black mare, to the serpent palace. The long ride was uneventful. I brought clothes and other necessary supplies for my thee day trip. I brought Alexa with me, as I will need someone to talk during my stay.

When I get there I am greeted by two cobra guards who usher me in. As Alexa takes her horse, Sheila, and Nala to the stables. She took my things up to our room.

I sat down in one of the chairs in the sitting room as I waited for Sebastian. When he arrived, he smirked and flopped onto the couch opposite my chair. "Hello Sebastian. How are you? I apologize for not visiting your castle sooner."

I was a little breathless with him staring directly into my eyes. "Alright. It is perfectly acceptable", he looked down after saying this,"You must have been to busy with Dartia. I am glad you seemed to remember I am also part of this." he smiled mischievously at me then and then said, "Would you like a drink?" he got up as he said this and crossed the room to a table I now realized was stocked with drinks. "Sure, what kind of drinks do you have?" I was confused by him. He teased me then he was polite. Ugh, boys are so confusing. He looked at the table for a few moments and picked up to bottles "Would you like wine or rum?" he smiled slightly when my face fell a little when I noticed he didn't offer anything less potent. So I chose the less potent of the two. "Wine please. So what are you planning for us to do for the duration of my stay?" it was my turn smile mischievously. He turned with two glasses filled with wine, he gave me one of the glasses and sat in the chair next to me. I could feel an aura coming off of him that I could not explain. He seemed... careful, like he was hiding something.

As the night progressed we sat there and stared at the fire sipping wine. After the fire was reduced to embers, I pleaded weariness and requested to be shown to my room. As we walked we chatted.

How was the ride here?


How was the wine?


When should he send servants to help me in the morning?

After sunrise.

After the walk across the castle he grew impatient. "Tell me, have I offended you? You only talk when I ask a question, and even then it is only a one or two word answer." he looked strained. Like he was trying to please me but was confused as to how if I acted like I was angry when he hasn't done anything. Well, that explained the careful aura around him.

"Like I said Sebastian, I am very tired. I have traveled half the day just to visit you. Tomorrow I am sure I shall feel much better." I laid a hand on his arm as I said this. His arm,

Covered by thin red silk, the royal Corbien color, I noticed his arm was very cold. He looked down at his arm as I gasped slightly.

"Well, I wish you peaceful dreams." he said stiffly. Now the carefulness I saw before turned to hiding something. Hmmm... I suspect I shall be seeing this a lot.

"Well then, good night. I shall see you in the morning."

I spoke as stiffly as he had. His behavior was not to be tolerated and I will find out why he was acting as such. Well, I should probably go in.

The room is very simple. There are two beds against the wall opposite the door. There is a mirror on the wall next to a cabinet. The cabinet has a wash basin and a pitcher. I look around and I notice a wardrobe I assume Alexa put my things in. It is a very large wardrobe and as I open it Alexa jumps out and yells 'boo!'. I so frightened that I screech and accidentally chain to my second form, and I rustle my feathers. Alexa takes a few steps away from me because few have seen me in my second form. She gasped slightly as I changed back. As always, a flash of white light flashed when I changed to my human form.

"Aleya, we need to leave sooner than three days from now. There are things you need to see in the library of lahoona." she looked genuinely worried. "Alexa, there is no such thing. It was lost right after Aisha left." I was worried about her. Her eyes were wide with amazement and she looked at me with awe. "Tell me what you are talking about Alexa." she glances nervously around the room and walked over to one of the beds and sat down. She looked at me and said "Come over here Aleya and I will explain everything I can. The rest will have to wait until we are back home." I walked over to the bed and sat hesitantly on the bed. Alexa sighed and begun to tell me the most amazing story I would ever hear.

"What do you know about Lasona?" she asked. "Not much. She was the first owl. The last of the black barn owls with... amber... eyes..." I felt me yes widen as I realized what she was telling me. She was a direct descendent of Lasona. The only way she could have been had the same second form as Lasona is if... oh goddess... if Lasona bred with one of her descendants. "But... but... how?" I was staring at her stupidly. She took a deep breath and began.

"I am only two months younger than you because after we found out you were conceived, I was conceived to protect you from what will happen to you if you were born a white eagle.

"Lasona was the wisest one of the three learned shape-shifters. She always knew what was going to happen. She was banished shortly after Aisha and the others left. She showed up Aisha by knowing something Aisha didn't. She returned and founded the library of lahoona. When she learned you were to be born, she conceived me and the rest I cannot tell you. It will have to wait until we get back."

I was breathing quickly now. My eyes were wide and my mouth hung open like a gaping mouth of a cave. "Alright, I will shorten it to two days", her face fell when I said that. She really wanted me to know,"I am sorry Alexa, that is the best I can do. I told my father we would be gone two to three days. If I return sooner it will make him angry. I know I out rank him but I love him and I care about his opinion."

She agreed and we got ready for bed. We changed and put on night gowns. I blew out the candles on the wash basin cabinet. I crawl under the covers and fall asleep quickly.

Thanks to my buddy will who helped when I got writers block.

Vote comment fan! It makes me wanna upload more

Ps: there is one mote part left on my iPod and then the uploads will be once or twice a week. I usually arts in my handy-dandy spiral notebook(teehee), seeing as my home computer is being mean and won't go on the Internet I'm gonna have to go to a library to upload the rest. So be sad. I know I am. I Nate waiting for peopleto upload.

Ok, typing too much. Hoped you enjoyed it and await my next post.

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