❥ Three

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❥ 937 Words

Though it wasn't yet Halloween, Minho still thought he could check out Halloween Town for himself. Pushing through the door Minho was met with an eerie, dark forest. The trees were a dark shade of brown, the leaves crunching under his feet as he walked in a circle, examining the different doors.

They were all so different, yet matched the textbook photos in history class.

Staring straight at what he recognized was a pumpkin Minho's face grew yet again confused. Why's this one so...angry?

Ignoring the thought the boy wandered over to the door, cracking it open.

Though it was only a slight bit open Minho could feel the rush of cold air hitting his already rosy cheeks, his fringe ruffling. "What in the world, I thought Christmas Town was the cold one."

Disregarding the cold, Minho fully stepped through the door, flinching as it slammed behind him was a faint giggle. "I didn't know doors could laugh...maybe this one is special?"

Looking out ahead of him Minho grew a bit scared, this wasn't his usual sweet-scented Valentine Town, instead, it was cold and bitter, screams coming from what felt like every direction. "Calm down, maybe it's just a play?"

Trying to reassure himself he thought it would be a better idea to try and make his way into town, getting away from the chilling forest, just as the invitation had described.

Everything was so out of place for the boy, he felt as if he had entered a whole new world. He honestly had.

It was odd, his bright red sweater vest with white straight-legged jeans contrasted with the black, dirty attire of the town's residents. "Just keep walking, yeah?"

It'd been what felt like an eternity when Minho finally decided to take a rest, sitting on a bench he found while walking.

Hearing subtle sounds from underneath the seat Minho grew on edge. What on earth. Only when he listened closely could he recognize the sounds as meowing from a cat. "Oh how sweet~ C'mere sweetheart." Pulling the cat from a cardboard box Minho set the animal into his lap, ignoring the black fur that stuck to his clothing.

"How cute!" Playing with the cat's paws he decided that he'd keep it. If someone had wanted it why would it be under a bench? "You're coming back to Valentine Town with me kitty, I'll take care of you."

"Did someone say Valentine Town?" Jumping slightly from the unexpected voice Minho turned to his left to see a boy around his age approach him.

Minho had seen plenty of people his age, but for some reason this person was different. Maybe it was the all black attire he wore, the only color coming from his obviously dyed dark-blue hair.

"Mhm, that's where I'm from."

"Haven't heard that one yet."

"Noted. I'll be going back after I figure out how to exactly." Putting his attention back onto the cat, Minho thought of a name for his new friend.

"I can help with that, I know the ins and outs of this place, I've had plenty of time to myself." Minho watched as the other boy invited himself to sit next to him, though he didn't mind much. It was practically his nature to be polite.

"Ah, thanks in advance."

"Sure, that your cat?" The stranger glanced at the furry creature, petting it lightly.

"Well kinda, I found it."

"You may as well take it, you look like you'd actually take care of it." Turning to the stranger, Minho's eyebrows furrowed sharply.

"Do people usually not?!"

"This is Halloween Town, guess love."

"But still, awful."

"I guess, you should probably go by the way."

"Is this you kicking me out of a public place?"

"Well kinda, it's dangerous."

"I can handle myself, thanks."

"Sure, you totally give off dangerous vibes."

"Thank you! Nobody has told me that before."

"It was sarcasm, you have that in Valentine Town right?" Dropping his smile, Minho took his gaze away from the stranger, instead standing up, holding the cat protectively.

"I'll be leaving now." Turning away from the stranger, Minho started up a hill, trying to remember the way he had come. He'd only gotten down a few blocks when out of nowhere the boy from earlier jumped from behind a building, mumbling a "boo."

Minho couldn't help but scream, surprised that he didn't end up tossing the cat into another dimension. "What is wrong with you? That was practically attempted murder!"

"Sure, don't be so soft. And also you're going the wrong way." Leaning on the nearest wall the boy watched amused as Minho turned his head in each direction, pondering on whether he should believe the stranger and take another way or forget he even existed and continue with his day. "I'll show you, come."

Signaling for the other to follow him the blue-haired boy walked in a completely different direction, stopping occasionally for a passing car. He'd also taken the time to point out certain areas, it was a bit of a tour in all honesty.

"Here we are." Pulling the door open for Minho the boy stepped aside, motioning for him to be on his way.

"Thanks, I thought I'd be out here for an eternity." Wasting no time in walking through the door Minho stopped quickly, hearing the now familiar slam of the door. I didn't even get his name.

Turning back around, Minho pushed the door open again, peering into the clearing as his smile faltered. "He was just here...?"

Minho was met with a cold, windy night, no sign of the blue-haired boy insight. 

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