Chapter 38

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I had to stay in the hospital with Grayson for a week before we were allowed to bring him home. I stayed for three days to recover and then once I was discharged Grayson was still in the NICU. We could have left, but I didn’t want to be away from him, so we stayed in his little private room. It was uncomfortable, to say the least, lots of nights on one of those hospital pull-out couches, but anything to make sure that our little man was healthy.

Today we get to take him home and we’re so excited. It is weird to think that in December of last year we were making a similarly long drive home with Annabelle after the car accident. I’m much more nervous about this drive. 

“Oh Grayson, we’re going to miss you, buddy!” One of the NICU nurses follow us out to the truck. He passed his car seat test with flying colors and they aren’t worried about him at all. We are still going to take frequent stops and get him out, just in case. Wes helps me into the back seat so I can sit with him.

“You okay, babe?”

“Yep, just hand me the pillow, please.” Wes hands me the pillow that I’ve been using to support my belly. The incision is still painful, but not even close to what it was, so that is good. I have a follow up with Dr. Neil in three days to check on everything. She came by a couple days ago to meet Grayson. She was very surprised I carried him as long as I did. 

“You sure you’re going to be okay back there?” Wes asked, always worried about everybody else.

I nod my head, “I want to sit back here with him. I’ll be fine.”

Wes takes Grayson around to the other side of the truck and connects his car seat into the base. He is sleeping like he always seems to do, so he doesn’t even notice the fuss. Wes closes the door and climbs in himself. He turns around and smiles my way, “Alright, ready to go home, Mom?”

“Yes and no,” which was honest to God’s truth. I was excited to be back home and have our little family together, but at the same time, it meant we were on our own with a newborn and that scared the shit out of me.

“Same here, but we’ve got this, Holly.”

The four hour drive takes more like six. Wes doesn’t go over the speed limit and we stop every hour to stretch our legs and get Grayson out of his seat. He starts to whine right as we are pulling into the ranch, so I guess we made great timing. Betsy and Raymond come out to welcome us home. Raymond takes Grayson’s seat as Wes helps me out of the truck. We step inside and I can smell whatever meal Betsy has been cooking and my mouth waters.

“Oh Betsy, what are you making?” My legs take me right into the kitchen, looking for some home cooking.

Betsy it right behind me, “Meatloaf with mashed potatoes. Did you want some?”

“I haven’t had homemade Mama Betsy food in a really long time. This kid wants to be fed, but then I’m filling my belly with your good cooking!”

I sit down on the couch and hear loud footsteps banging down the stairs.

“Mommy! Mommy! You’re home! You’re home!” Annabelle jumps onto the couch but remembers she has to be gentle around me and she just leans on and rests her head on my shoulder.

“Hi, baby girl. Oh, I missed you. I’m so glad we’re home and I get to tuck you into bed finally!”

“I missed you tucking me in. Daddy and Grandma Betsy don’t do it right.”

I cackle out a laugh, “They don’t do it right? They did it for years before I came along.”

“Yeah, but you tuck in the sides.” I kiss the top of her head and wrap my arm around her.

Match Made in Valley View (Valley View Book #2) Where stories live. Discover now