Caitlin's Past~Chapter 1

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Caitlin Leonard has lived in Beacon Hills her whole life. Three years ago her parents died in a car crash, Caitlin and her older sister Lena survived. Caitlin is now 16 and in her junior year at Beacon Hills highschool. Lena Leonard, Caitlin’s older sister, is now 21 and is now the legal guardian of Caitlin. 

Caitlin has dealt with a lot in the past few years. Her parents' death and all the supernatural drama. The only way she made it through all of that was with her best friends Scott and Stiles. The three of them have been best friends with each other since the third grade and have become inseparable since then. Sophomore year she also became super close with Allison and Lydia. 

It has been months since dealing with the kanima and Gerard. Allison and Scott broke up and have been extremely awkward ever since. Like get over it already and be friends. Allison ended up going to Paris for three months so I have gotten super close with Lydia. Lydia and I hung out like everyday this summer. I also hung out with Scott and Stiles a lot because it was nice to hang out and not talk about supernatural drama. Tomorrow is the first day of Junior year and I really hope this year has no supernatural problems, but just you wait.

I only own the rights to Catilin and Lena Leonard the rest are all from Teen Wolf.
I am also only 13 so there will probably be a lot of grammer errors and a plot that a teenage girl would like.
Updates will be slow because I will have to rewatch each episode and I am busy with school so sorry if updates are slow.

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