Chapter 8: The Desperation and Irrationality of Man

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Trost District
Hours Before The Breach

It was early morning in Trost and the scouts were making their way to head off on another expedition outside the walls. As they marched ahead, people were beginning to gather to see off the Survey Corps while the main force rode up ahead of the branch, dawning their green hoods and on horseback the entire time.

"They're here! The main force of the Survey Corps!" One man yelled as everyone saw the Commander of the Survey Corps, Erwin Smith, lead the pack. "Commander Erwin, kill the Titans for us!" He yelled as the main force passed through and people noticed another famous face.

"Look, it's Captain Levi!" Another civilian called out in excitement. "They say he's as strong as an entire brigade." Someone praised and assumed the strength that the aforementioned Captain possessed as he glared at them in annoyance.

"Shut up." He said in irritation of the comments being made about him as Section Commander, Hange Zoe, rode next to him with a smile on her face.

"If they knew how fussy you are, they wouldn't look at you with such admiration." Hange joked around as Levi huffed in response as the gate had begun to be raised as she looked excited and clasped her hands together. "The Titans are right outside...What kind of Titan will we see this time? It'd be great if we saw an Abnormal!" Hange let out her hopes of seeing what kind of Titan she wanted to examine as Levi turned to her.

"We have one right here." He said as she frantically looked around.

"Huh? Where?" Hange asked before her head was grabbed and turned to look right at Levi.

"Right here." Levi said as he basically called her an abnormal person as the gate finished raising and it was time to head off.

"Forward." Erwin called out as the horses neighed and began to set off on their expedition.

Survey outlying areas and establish supply points that would support a human advance. Being entrusted with these missions, the Survey Corps receives the best humanity has to offer. The military genius of a select few within their ranks has greatly boosted their survival rate. But even so, every excursion in Titan territory costs over thirty percent of their troops. The difference in strength between humans and Titans is that great. As of right now, the Survey Corps were stopped at an abandoned town that was filled with Titans, and there was a soldier being gnawed on by a Fifteen meter class Titan from the waist down.

"Just you wait...It won't be long before humanity wipes you out! We'll be the ones to survive in the end!" The Scout soldier yelled as he took his blade in his right hand and stabbed it into the cheek of the beast. "Gngh..! AAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!" He cried out in pain as the Titan just bit down harder on him and blood spewed from his body. "Captain Levi will...kill you all!" He screamed with tears in his eyes as a wire anchor shot pass the back of the Titan and impaled itself into a tower nearby.

In an instant, the sound of flesh being cut echoed as the soldier watched Captain Levi fly by and spin back to watch as the Titan and soldier fell to the ground. The soldier rolled out of the dead Titan's mouth and onto the street while Levi landed on a rooftop above to spot anymore Titans, which he did.

"One to the right..." He spotted a full Fifteen meter Titan to the right before turning left. "Two to the left." He spotted two more of the same class as he heard his squad land behind him.

"Captain, I've brought reinforcements." A female officer under his command informed him as three more of his squad, two men and another who wore their hood, landed behind her, this was his subordinate, Perta Ral.

"Petra, tend to the wounded soldiers below. The rest of you, support the right flank. I'll take care of the left." He said before rushing off.

"C-Captain!" Petra tried to call out to him, but to no avail as the hooded figure watched him go before rushing off in the same direction. "Hey!" She tried to call out to her other squad member, but to no avail.

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