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"Keep your eyes open Amara, come on honey, stay with me" a calm voice said as the medical staff prepared the room for an emergency C-Section whilst Reign looked on with tears rolling down his face

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"Keep your eyes open Amara, come on honey, stay with me" a calm voice said as the medical staff prepared the room for an emergency C-Section whilst Reign looked on with tears rolling down his face. Watching his beloved girlfriend who's pregnant with his son go through this was the hardest thing he witnessed, especially since this was his second chance at love, "Please baby, I need you" he whispered praying for a miracle.

The room was filled with medical chatter that Reign could barely understand but he stood calmly away from the bustle as they read charts from both Amara and the baby's monitors. "Mr Black" a nurse called out breaking him out of his trance as he turned to her waiting to hear any updates they had, "Miss Cole has been stabilised but baby seems to be in distress so we are trying to speed up the process" she explained.

Everyone who was outside of the hospital room had joined hands as Ma Dukes led them in prayer through her tears, "Lord we place Amara and our little prince before Your throne, we ask that you shield them at this time. The enemy is trying to ruin our joy but we believe in Your power and know you are fighting even harder to protect Your children. Please Lord, fight the battles that we cannot" she stated firmly.

The conviction in Ma Dukes' voice was enough to calm each of them down and restore faith into their hearts as they hoped for the best outcome in the situation. "We can't perform a C-Section. She's already 10 centimetres and the baby is crowning" the mid-wife announced as she peered between Amara's propped legs.

The atmosphere in the room changed as the nurses rushed to prepare the room for the baby's arrival, "Okay Miss Cole, baby boy is ready to make his appearance" Dr Beth said smiling at the couple. Amara's condition had improved drastically after they had given her electrolytes through her IV after noticing that she was suffering from dehydration and that was the cause of the attack.

"You ready baby mother?" Reign asked, smirking down at her before placing a kiss on her forehead and a sweet peck on her lips, "Let's do this" her raspy voice sounded. Holding her hand, he leaned down to coach her through the breathing exercises they had learnt during the Lamaze class. "Okay let's start with some practise contractions, okay? As soon as you feel the need to push, bare down and push like you're taking a poop" she explained causing everyone to chuckle.

"I see his head baby, he's right there" Reign shouted excitedly making everyone in the room smile at the joy on his face as Amara pushed with all her might causing the baby to pop out. The wails of the infant filled the room causing Amara to burst into tears whilst Reign placed several kisses on her forehead wiping away her tears.

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