First Meeting

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You walked accross the campus with your long term boyfriend. You and Jungkook had been dating since your Sophomore year in college. Yoongi had introduced you two. Yoongi had been friends with Jungkook since Jungkook's freshman year. They had taken a business course together and had been partnered up for a project in the class. They had hit it off and been friends ever since. Yoongi had since changed his major and was following his passion for writing.

Anyway the two had thrown a party sophomore year. You were in a computer class with Yoongi and he thought you and Jungkook would like each other. I wasn't much of a party person but after 30 times of Yoongi asking I said ok. I wore a dress of blue that ended right above the knees. It had cap sleeves and a scooped neckline. Not so low to show anything. I was pretty conservative.

The party was at Yoongi's place which I found out was also where Jungkook lived. I could hear the music as I got out of the cab. I usually walked most places but my shoes made that option a little less appealing. I had decided to wear heels. It felt good to dress up and feel pretty. I walked up to the door and knocked. Yoongi opened the door,"Hey, Erika. Come on in." He had a smile on his face and a beer in his hand.

"Hey, Yoongi. Nice turnout." I said as he led me through the living room that was full of people dancing to the music. We passed the dining room where there were several couples making out. Others were talking together in small groups. We ended in the kitchen where he offered me a drink. I'm not much of a drinker but I settled on a wine cooler.

"Let me go find Jungkook. He's around here somewhere." He disappeared down a hallway. I stood awkwardly in the kitchen sipping my wine cooler.

"Hey, Erika." Said Connie. We had an English class together. "I didn't expect to see you here. You don't strike me as the party type."

"I'm not really." I said. "Yoongi is in one of my classes and he wants to set me up with his friend. I only said yes so he would stop asking."

She laughed. "Which friend is he hooking you up with?"


"Really." She said her eyes taking on a glint. "You are in for a real treat."

Please tell me she was not being sarcastic. I could not waste another minute on some nerdy wannabe slobbering all over me. About then Yoongi came back in. His smaller frame in front of a man a few inches taller with black hair. As Yoongi's dark red hair moved aside my eyes fell on Jungkook. He was gorgeous. "This is Jungkook. Jungkook this is Erika. She is in my computer class. I just know you guys will hit it off."

"Yoongi. Can we get your help in here?"

"Duty calls." He said and exited the kitchen. Followed by Connie who gave me a thumbs up. She had not been lying. He was a treat to look at. Of course, these type were usually stuck on themselves.

I looked at him from several feet away. "So you are friends with Yoongi?"

He finally looked over at me. His eyes were so big and dark. I almost forgot what I asked him. "Yeah. We've known each other since freshman year."

"So what's your major?" I asked.

"Business management. I plan to own my own company someday."

"Wow! Big aspirations. I have my major in computer science but I'm not sure if that's what I really want."

"That's the beauty of college. You can try some things and change your mind if you want."

Yoongi popped back in. "So how's it going you two?" He was so excited.

"Pretty good." Said Jungkook. He still seemed a bit shy.

"Here." He dug in the fridge for a beer. "Drink this and loosen up." He directed his gaze at me. "This one's not much of a partyer . I had to go make him leave his room."

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