CHAPTER ELEVEN: Detention with Dolores

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I skipped dinner that night and instead went to the library. I had a few books that Professor Rosenquist had recommended to me during our lesson which I wanted to read. Alchemy was, as I had predicted, very difficult. I did enjoy it though, even though I'd only had one double lesson. Professor Rosenquist was an attractive young woman from Sweden. I'd seen her about the castle ever since my third year, when she'd began teaching, but I'd never expected her to be so nice; she had a sort of stern, wrinkleless face which I'd seen on the front of so many muggle fashion magazines whenever I'd been in Camden with Padfoot. It was strange being the only student in a class, but I quite liked it since it meant I didn't have to talk to anyone.

My hands were just grazing the spines of the Alchemy section when I heard a conversation behind the bookshelves which made my ears prick up.

"Well yes Harry, he probably does know," Hermione's patronising tone said frustratedly. I could smell her perfectly from where I stood; the scent of her perfume was enticing.

"Why don't you ask him then?" Ron Weasley then piped up.

"Was it not you who told me to give him some space?" She fired back.

"He's in the Order, isn't he?" Harry asked sarcastically, "he'll know!" They were clearly curious about what Sirius had said a few weeks ago about Voldemort's secret weapon.

"Yes, but he won't be allowed to tell anyone!" Hermione squeaked angrily, "now if you would both let me study, I'd appreciate it!"

"Are you not coming to dinner?" Ron asked.

"No," she replied sharply.

Ron and Harry's footsteps could be heard echoing off of the bookshelves as they walked away from their friend. I peeked around the corner of my bookshelf, the books I had been looking for tucked under my arm. Hermione Granger sat at a desk, her thick brunette curls tumbling over her forehead as she scribbled on a piece of parchment. I watched intently as her eyes flicked between her work and the book she was working from. After a few moments of staring, I realised how creepy I was being and straightened myself up. "Come on (Y/N), she's just some girl." I took a step forward, intending to quickly pass by her without her noticing, but instead I put one foot in front of the other awkwardly and ended up tripping. "Fuck!" I exclaimed, picking myself up and noticing the blood dripping down from my lip. I'd accidentally bit it upon tripping up.

Hermione had now spun around in her chair and was quick to come help me up. Once I was on my feet she bent down and picked up my books. I looked away, since seeing her on her knees like this felt rather wrong now. "Here you go," she said politely, pushing the books back into my arms, "you're bleeding." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a handkerchief. Her hand went to dab at my bust lip, but I leaned backwards. "Thanks," I replied, taking the handkerchief out of her slim pale hands and using the corner of it to wipe away the blood.

"How's your first day been?" She asked, attempting to keep the conversation going in a polite manner. I was rather surprised she didn't want to slap me for asking McGonagall to change my prefect schedule.

"I can't stay and talk Granger," I told her, "got detention." With that said I turned around on my heel and headed out of the library in the direction of the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom.

I found Professor Umbridge in her office, sitting at her desk and spooning sugar into her tea. I watched for a few moments as she spooned in not one, not two, not three, but five teaspoons of sugar into her teacup. "That's rank," I found myself saying aloud.

"I beg your pardon," Umbridge said coldly.

"The sugar; the tea's going to be far too sweet," I explained as I entered the room fully.

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