BUGGED! The Attempted Murder of An American Grammy
Ultimate Final VersionBy Alexander Guinevere Kern
4-29-2016Chapter One - Divine Disorder
Friends, Readers, Fans, Curious, Seekers, Students,
I greet you, again.WARNING: For the purposes of personal protection, this material is to be read ONLY by persons older than 18 years of age in the United States of America and is not to be copied or distributed to minors at any time, for any reason. I am not responsible for any application, transference or sharing of this installment, nor am I responsible for the effect this information/interpretation of events may have upon the body, mind, Psyche or Spirit of any Being who willfully chooses to peruse my work. To continue reading this testimony is to accept that it is fiction, whether it is or not, and the creation of this author solely, and represents nothing more than my attempt to share a series of personal experiences with persons who may feel inclined to receive my true witness without preconceived notions, prejudice or hostility.
I hereby present this material as "fiction," to be read, analyzed, evaluated, interpreted and integrated by each individual reader according to his or her comfort level. Certain Readers may find some or all of this tale disturbing, frightening or depressing. Be warned! I will be discussing matters some will term ludicrous, non-scientific, incredible, fable, lame myth, wish-dreams, fantasies or fabrications of the unconscious, influenced by my environment, upbringing, education, experiences, my culture, religion or my very real human fears, dreams or hopes.
However you choose to evaluate or interpret this story is up to you, and you alone. I make no claims to the effect that I am an expert in any field, whatsoever. I am not a teacher, spiritual adept or authority, or anything other than a middle-aged, rather tired and benevolent Grandmother who dabbles in art, literature, "high culture," a fair cook, a kind friend and interested listener, a marathon talker, a True, Intrepid Seeker of Truth, and yes, more so than ever, a person of a deeply felt spiritual nature. Another child of the 50s, just a plain old Ordinary Grammy.God said, "I make wise the simple."
That works.
Even more dear and extraordinary is my story, simply because the Being Others Call Jehovah, The Great Maker, took time out of time and space, in order to "cast out my enemies from before me." No one can believe it, yet, there it is. Spirits are aghast. Me, too.
As my dear Departed Daddy used to say, "It is what it is."
And created of me a fairly able Exorcist.
When I am the last, the very last, I mean it, the absolutely VERY LAST person ever to consider such a position. When I first heard what I assumed was an Angel or Spirit speaking to me - I dashed to our local Pastor and sought her help processing and integrating this astounding experience.
She told me she did not know anything about Spirits.
SIGH. Read the first page of the Chapter of Matthew in the New Testament.
Spirits. Dream contact, etc.
During past Bible studies Christian Church leaders chided me and insisted, rather petulantly, that "There are no demons. There is no Satan," as if they had never opened the Holy Bible. Or, if they did, they did not believe what is written therein.
Same as most Near Death Experiencers avow, with conviction: "No demons waiting to take your Soul. No Satan."
And all of the Exorcists roll our holy eyes and groan in our Spirits. For our God's eyes behold . . .
When I approach the subject and topic and description of the Real Satan, who he is, what he is and what he is accomplishing here on Earth, be assured my description will as close to the truth as I can manage.

The Attempted Murder of The American Grammy Final Version
Non-FictionBooksie site crashed and needed a place to upload my true story.