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Y/n pov

I woke up tied up in a chair. I was blindfolded and couldnt see anything. I then heard a voice it sounded like reiner? I heard some other voices.
Y/n:"wait a minute porco, reiner, marcel? Why am I tied up and did you kidnap me?!"
Marcel:" look we know this looks bad but we have good intentions"
Reiner:" speaking of intentions"
Porco:" what are yours with pieck"
Y/n:" all I want to do is take her out on a nice date!"
Porco:" so your just gonna take her out on 1 date and that's it?"
Y/n:" no I want to take her on lots of dates!"
Reiner:" so your just gonna take her out on dates with no plans for the future?"
Marcel:" your all ready messing up"
Zeke:" I'm. Here I brought the shovel like you asked"
marcel then took off his blind fold to reveal all 3 of them in Reiner's living room with a tall blonde man with glasses. Y/n reconginzed him
Y/n:" wait a second I know who you are, your erens brother"
Zeke:" ah a smart one, no wonder pieck likes you."
Porco:" back. To what we were talking about"
Y/n:" all I'm doing is going out with her not marrying her!"
Marcel:" wait a damn minute so you have no plans of marrying her in the future just break up with her after a few dates or hookups?"
Y/n:" what no I-"
Reiner:" Your messing up more than before!"
Marcel:" look pieck is a sweet girl" zeke then hands marcel the shovel
Marcel:" you break her heart we will break your balls"
Y/n:"look no matter how many times you guys threaten me I will still like pieck no matter how many times you break my balls"
Porco:" good answer"
Then the front door opened
Pieck:" what the hell?!"
Y/n:" pieck is that you?
Pieck:" yes it is what is going on!"
Porco:" pieck we can explain"
Pieck:" marcel untie him!"
Marcel quickly untied him
Y/n:" pieck your a life saver"
Pieck:" porco I know this was your doing!"
Porco:"crap Marcel run!"
Porco pushed reiner out the way but tripped over the rope that was on the floor.
Pieck then bonked porco in the head with the hardest fist I've ever seen.
Porco:"Aghhh dammit that hurts"
A knot then grew on porco's forehead
Pieck:" that's for planning this and zeke I expect better from you!"
Then just as she said that colt walked in with a box of pizza
Colt:" zeke I brought the pizza like you as-"
Everyone looked at colt like he had just witnessed a murder
Colt:"bad time right"

Y/n:" ahem now that I'm free..."
Y/n:" porco you fucking piece of shit! You kidnapped me! I havent even dated pieck for a week!"
Reiner:" ha pieck and week that rhymes"
Y/n:" you know what never mind I forgive you, now I want you too sit there and think about how stupid you are'Im going home"
Marcel:" damn porco he roasted you so hard the sun was impressed"
Pieck:" still porco that was very mean I'm upset with you"
Porco:" pieck I said I was sorry"
Pieck:" that still doesnt excuse what you did!"
Pieck:" now I'm going home I have to study for the math test on Wednesday"
Y/n:"hold up MATH TEST?!?!"
Pieck:"wait you didnt know?"
Reiner/marcel:" WE HAVE A MATH TEST"
Everyone made a mad dash for their text books marcel and porco ran down the street to their house while y/n ran to his.reiner quickly ran upstairs but fell in the process.everybody had ran to go study except pieck she was just standing in the middle of an empty living room.
Pieck:" well since no one is here I'm going home"

END OF chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2021 ⏰

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