Chapter 2

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The doodled heart begins to make more appearance. Jeongyeon plucks the document from Nayeon's hand, cackles at the little heart that's sketched where she's supposed to sign. She calls her sappy and pathetic, adds with a smack to the back of her head that she should just tell the person how she feels. Nayeon huffs, retorts that she's allowed to draw hearts, it shouldn't mean anything. Mina notices how she never really denies the accusation.

The glasses shift to her bedside table. Bathroom counter. Kitchen cabinet. But it's never inside the fridge.

Snow falls late in April that year. It's strange, surprising, Dahyun mutters something about global warming. Momo wonders why everyone around the globe is getting a warning. Mina bestows a fond smile at the adorably confused girl.

She hugs herself to ward off the cold as they wait for their ride. Nayeon walks out last from the studio. Her cheeks are kissed pink from the freezing temperature. Snow sticks to her hair as she strides towards them. Her lower lip juts out as she tries to balance her bags in one hand and an umbrella in another.

Jihyo lifts a brow, demands when she started carrying umbrellas. The pink in her cheeks deepen. Jeongyeon wiggles her eyebrows at Nayeon. Nayeon shoves her away, and pretends to be annoyed when Jeongyeon leans in for a kiss, but let's her do it anyway. Mina diverts her gaze, the moment feels private, intimate and she feels like she's intruding. She keeps her eyes focussed on the cemented floor until she feels a shadow looming over her. Nayeon holds the umbrella over their head, remarks offhandedly that since she's carrying it anyway she could share. It's not the first time she's held an umbrella for them, but it's the first time Mina notes, that Nayeon, who's normally loud, confident, looks uncharacteristically nervous. And if snow in April is strange, this is stranger.


They get a five day break from their busy schedule. Everyone goes to visit their family. Mina flies to Hawaii with her parents. Momo texts her, lists all the things she wants her to buy for her. Mina shakes her head in amusement. The amusement only grows when Sana texts right after, says, demands that she expects to get more gifts than Momo.

When she returns from her trip, armed with gifts- Sana winks at her, tells her she looks tanned and exotic, Mina giggles - the girls smother her in a hug. Nayeon pushes her glasses up her nose, watches Sana and Momo bicker with each other about who got the most things with a curious look on her face.

"What did you get for Nayeon-chan?" Sana queries, cocking her head to a side. Mina feels a guilty knot in her stomach as she looks at Nayeon, who gives a half shrug and says it's fine. She stretches loudly, muffles a yawn behind her hand and declares she's going to get some sleep.

Mina observes how she neatly folds her glasses and leaves it on the desk before she goes.

The doodling stops for a while. It returns after a few days with full force, but this time there's a split in all the tiny hearts she draws.


Mina loves games. Members often tease her about how involved she gets when she starts playing one, blanking out everything and everyone. That's why when Momo knocks on her door, she lets out a huff, doesn't spare more than a glance in her direction, eyes glued to her phone, asks impatiently, "What's it Momo?"

"Nayeon-chan is sick. I have a shoot. Sana is gone for a shoot as well. Can you check on her once in a while?" Momo pleads. Mina wants to continue the new game she's playing, but takes the keys anyway.

She figures that she's not going to make any progress in the game when her mind keeps drifting to the older girl. She hates being alone when she's sick, and knows Nayeon is the same. She reluctantly goes to the kitchen, prepares a soup as quickly as she can, and heads out to Nayeon's dorm. She finds her curled up on her bed fast asleep.

She has forgotten how exasperating it could be to deal with a sick Nayeon. The older girl whines petulantly, refuses to open her eyes, and Mina has to retort to dragging the sheets down and forcefully shoving a spoonful of soup into her mouth. Nayeon says she's scary when she's this bossy, Mina shuts her up by shoving another spoonful of soup down her throat.

She watches a film with Nayeon until Sana returns. They don't talk much, but the silence isn't awkward. It's comfortable, calming. "Who put a gun to your head?" Nayeon's voice is hoarse, her eyes are glued to the television and Mina isn't sure if she's talking to her or to the characters in the film.

"I know you're playing a new game." Nayeon turns to her side, offers as an explanation. "So who forced you to do this?" Her lips curl into a smile. Her eyes are blank, empty. Tells Mina the smile is an attempt to cover the real feelings behind her words.

She glances at Nayeon. Takes a soft breath. It's difficult to talk to someone who avoids your gaze. "What do you mean?"

"It's just that." Her voice trails off. She bites her lips as if she's said too much already. Mina lifts a brow, waits, indicates for her to finish. Nayeon's tone is reluctant, when she adds that Jeongyeon is Jihyo's favourite person. Sana is Dahyun's. Chaeyoung is Tzuyu's. "Momo is your favourite person." She pauses.

Mina doesn't understand what she's getting at. Nayeon looks away. Scratches her forehead as if contemplating she should continue her rambling. "It's just strange you're here, because I'm not Momo." Her voice is low, hesitant and it tugs at something in Mina's heart. "So tell me who put a gun to your head?" She laughs, like she's been joking the whole while.

"Nobody." She reaches for the older girl's hands. Pries them away from her lap. Strokes her fingers with her thumb and sighs softly when Nayeon finally looks at her. "Because you're everyone's favourite person."

"Yours too?" Her gaze is earnest, expectant, like a child that seeks reassurance from their mother.

She nods her head.

When Sana suddenly opens the door, they move apart quickly, awkward glances and blushing faces, and if Sana notices it, she doesn't say anything. She sits beside Mina and begins to ramble about her entire day, Nayeon excuses herself to get some snacks from the fridge.

Mina remembers she has a game to continue. She hugs Sana, scans the room for Nayeon to say goodbye, but the soft snores coming from the bedroom indicates she must have fallen asleep again.

When she opens the door to the fridge to leave the remaining soup before she heads back to her own dorm, she finds Nayeon's glasses case inside on the shelf next to drinks.

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