Without you

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Sarah's POV

Mum ! The twins are awake I yelled

"can you get them please" she yelled back so I got off my bed and walked in to the twins room I walked over to casey and let her out of her cot and cuddled her and then put her down and then I went over to caleb and picked him up and cuddled him and then put him down then they both wadded into the lounge they have both just started walking as they have just turned 1 like a week ago yea your probably thinking ain't your mum to old well yes she is but the twins are the best thing to happen to me because with in the last year I have lost my best friend she moved away and well the twins have been my best friends especially caleb it's like he understands me because when he see me crying he comes and cuddles me my best friend Jamie moved away a few months ago I've known her since we where like 3 well i was 3 and she was 2 we did everything together but she had to move with her parents because she's only 17 and wasn't old enough to stay by herself says her mum yes it's been hard living with out her but I guess when I'm with the too twins it feels better because I can cuddle them my little brother caleb follows me everywhere he always goes out with me I've had a lot of people asking is he your baby or saying your son is very cute me and caleb both look alike soo I don't really blame them even my mum has said that he looks like my son I'm just like wow but he is really sweet he is also really funny he has 4 teeth and he can walk he has brown eyes a bit darker then mine and he is also a tanned skin colour with brown hair witch is really cute caleb and casey have different coloured eyes casey has big bright blue eyes witch is really cute bit strange because neither my mum or dad have blue eyes I'm guessing its just a genetic thing because my sister Jessie has blue eyes to and she's got blonde hair she's tallish and skinny apparently I'm too skinny but I don't care what the doctors say I like my body I have got my belly button done lately its cool my hair sits just under my shoulders so dose Jessie's but she as blonde hair she is also really pretty I get along well with my family I live with them but I really miss Jamie she was pretty we were the same height she was about the same weight as me and she also loved titanium well she still dose we still talk a lot through my favourite from titanium would probably have to be Shaquille and Jamie's is jordi they are great singers their are six of them I went and laid on my bed I was lying their peace fully when I herd a bang and my brother stated crying I got of my bed faster then ever to find that he had fallen down the stairs I ran to the bottom of the stairs and picked him up "it's okay bubbah sisa got you shhhh don't cry hunny" I said trying to sooth him " what happened bubbah " I asked he pointed to the stairs and then me witch meant he was trying to come up the stairs to me I carried him into the kitchen and sat him on the bench and then casey started crying where is my mother gone I picked caleb up off the bench and went in to the lounge and picked casey up so I was carrying both twins yes over the past year I've gotten use to carrying to babies I took them both to the kitchen put them both in their high chairs and went to the cupboard and got their sippy cups and got them a drink of juice and a couple of cookies each and then I went up stairs and got them some clean clothes and a clean nappy each then came back down stairs "hay Sarah"my mum called " yes mum" "Sarah can you please look after the twins for me please" " yes mum " " thank you Sarah ill pay you when I get back " ok mum I said and she kissed the twin goodbye wait where's Jessie ? "She's at Taylor's house " okay what time will she be home ? " she's staying their " okay then bye I said to my mum and dad I have a job witch is babysitting ATM I get payed $50 per kid and $100 for the night it's pretty easy my mum also goes by that so ill get $100 when she gets home I've done really well I've saved it and I have over $1000 in my bank from my prevues jobs and I've just put money in to my bank and if anything happens to mum and dad I will be taking over the house and I will become the kids legal guardian because I'm 18 and I'm closer to them then most of my family especially the twins and mum doesn't want to split us up I decided that I'd take the twins out so I put them in their car seats in my car and drove into town we got down the Main Street in Auckland and I parked my car got the push chair out of the boot it's a double one and got the two kids out I got caleb out last and put him in the push chair he cried so I had to carry him we where walking down the street when I was getting a phone call it was an unknown number hello I said shyly hello is this Sarah said a deeply maned voice yes it is how can I help well I'm sorry this is daniel rabbets I'm am sorry to say but we have your presents here they have been in a serious crash and I'm afraid we don't think he will survive your mother died instantly at the seen the man was saying I found a seat next to me and sat down I broke down and your farther has puckered his lung and broken his back and I'm afraid he's on life support he said you can come to Greenlane hospital he's in ward 39 room 13 okay thank you I said sniffing in between I got up and walked over to the car I put the twins in their seats and went to pick my sister up I pulled up at her friends house I left the kids in the car I knocked on the door Taylor's mum answered can I please have Jessie please I said " hay love what wrong " she said my my mum and dad have been in a crash my mum died instantly at the seen and my dad is on life support and he said I'm the one that has to choose weather to let him surfer of to turn it off I said she pulled me into a hug I stood their for awhile in-bracing her hug and with the comfort she then pulled away and said she would go get Jessie a few minutes she came back with Jessie in tears she ran up and hugged me and balled her eyes out witch made me cry more its okay baby I love you shhh it's okay I'm here for you and the twins I will look after you no one will hurt you baby I said hugging her I didn't let go until she said we should let daddy go he can't surfer he will be in a better place Sarah okay baby I said agreeing to my sister lets go see dad baby I said going back to the car and headed to the hospital we got their parked the car we grabbed a baby each I grabbed caleb and she grabbed casey we walked in and to ward 39 to room 13 and opened the door and my dad was their I put caleb down and went and sat next to my dad he was pretty much dead well he was brain dead and couldn't speak I started taking to him I love you soo much daddy why did this have to happen to you and mum I said and rested my head on his arm I love you daddy and me and Jessie have decided to let them turn it off I'm sorry but daddy you'll be in a better place you'll be safe and we will always remember you daddy I will take care of the twins and Jessie I promise daddy nothing will happen to them ill put the twins into daycare and get a job well Jessie's at school so I have money to feed them and make sure they have everything they need I promise you daddy I do your probably wondering why I call him daddy but I'm a daddy's girl I've always had my dad and I've always looked up to him for advice I love my daddy goodbye daddy I said kissing him on the forehead I picked caleb up to kiss him goodbye too then Jessie came in to say her good bye while I took the kids to get some lunch

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