A Home Worth Saving

14 3 2

Hayden adjusted the baseball cap on his head, his grip on the baseball bat tightening as he held it in mid air.

He opened the trunk of the minivan, shoving the bat in with the rest of the supplies he thought would be needed for the game.

He hadn't had so much time with his kid in weeks, so was hoping this school annual baseball game would be a great time for them to catch up on lost times.

"Dad, have you seen my lucky bat?"

A 10-year-old came running out through the front door of a pale yellow bungalow, the silver logo on his sport uniform shining brightly under the morning sun.

"Yes son, it's in the trunk already. Be careful with that puddle over there, you don't want to get those boots dirty".

"Milo, stop your fidgetting. You could fall", a blonde woman shrilled, walking behind him with a basket in hand.

Milo paid her no attention, too busy making sure all his essential baseball equipments were safely in the vehicle.

"You know how he gets before a match", Hayden chuckled, pulling the woman in for a brief kiss as she got near.

"I know, worries me everytime. Here I packed lunch".

She handed Hayden the basket, which he placed gently into the trunk, next to the woods and metals.

"You shouldn't have, honey"

"But you know I won't let you two go on your male outing without making sure there's food for you to eat later especially knowing how ravenous your appetite could get after working yourself out"

She chuckled lightly.

"True but we could always find something to eat in a nearby eatery".

She shook her head a firm no.

"Not on my watch, you don't"

Hayden smiled, pulling her tighter to him by the waist.

"That's why I love you"

"Because of the food or because of how much I take care of you", she teased.

"I love you for all of you, everything"

A blush crept up her cheek, "I love you too, rambo"

They were about to go in for another kiss when Milo cut in, walking past them into the car.

"Can you please stop with the mushy, I'm trying to get to a game here and I'm not going to be late because you lovebirds didn't get enough in your room already"

"Milo!", she exclaimed, Hayden chuckling at his son's sillyness.

"One day, son. When you become a man, you would understand-"

His sentence was interrupted by his phone, buzzing in the pocket of his rather-bleached black trousers.

Reaching in for the phone, he picked it up at the fourth ring, placing it to his ear under his wife's watchful gaze.

"Hello?", he said firmly into the receiver.

"Sorry to disturb you, Detective Merrells. A case was just brought in and the Lieutenant has asked us to look into it personally"

"This is Dectective Dionne from Special Case Unit"

Hayden shifted reluctantly as his wife's scrutinizing eyes continued to stare.

"Did you remind him that I'm on my day-off?"

"Yes, I did"

"And what did he say to that?"

"He said to remind you of the vows every police officer took before the call to duty"

"But this is my family"

"He also said to ask you if it were your child that went missing, what would you do?"

Hayden sighed, his eyes finding his precious son who was anxiously waiting for him.

Nodding after a while, "Send me the location and tell my partner to meet me there"

He dropped the phone, the line ending simultaneously. His heart went cold as he spotted the disappointment that engulfed his wife's face.

"Honey, I'm sorry. I promise I told them-", he started but she shook her head and walked away from him.

"Emily", he called after her, the front door slamming in response.


Hayden turned to face his son but he wouldn't look at him, no doubt disappointed as much as his mother.

Sighing, he hurried into the house, his heart sagging, dragging heavily along the tiled floor behind him.

He had always hated having to leave them for days, sometimes weeks for his job as the head of a crime investigation unit in the nearby town, missing on precious family moments. He had hoped to be able to make it up to them a little with this 3 day-off from work but now that also has been jeorpadized.

He met his wife in the room, packing up his toiletries and some clean clothes into a duffle bag.


"Don't, just don't", her voice brittle but still won't look at him.

"Honey, I did not plan for this to happen"

"But it did happen", She retorted, swinging around to face him.

"And this is not the first time such is happening, Hayden. I'm tired, I- I can't, we can't continue living like this"

"I'm trying my best. You can't pin this as my fault", he protested.

"Memories! Are these the memories you want Milo to have of you? A father who is rarely at home, heck, you missed his birthday about a month ago and he still forgave you, gave you another chance with this baseball game, a chance for you not to screw up again but of course, it's you. You always do", her finger pointing accusingly at him to emphasize her point, then going back to packing the bag, avoiding him again.

With a grunt, Hayden threw off the baseball cap from his head, his hands rampaging through his hair in frustration.

"All I've been trying to do is give us a good life. You know I love you and our kid more than anything"

"Then prove it, Hayden. Prove it!"

"I just need some more time, okay?"

"We have talked about this so many times but for how long? How much time do we need to give you before you realize how much this is killing us, killing the family?"

"I'm still trying to figure things out, I need time to do that"

Emily's red eyes couldn't take it anymore, her face getting wet quickly with the tears flowing heavily.

"My heart aches for you, Hayden. I feel bad that you are out there saving lives, helping families but you're nowhere around to save yours. And I'm scared I might not be able to hold on much longer"

She eventually broke into faint sobs, holding onto the bed stand and her wrenching heart as she slid to the floor, the room a little sketch of how Hayden was feeling inside, chaotic.

He strided over to where she sat on the floor, carefully engulfing her in a tight embrace, rubbing her back gently with soothing strokes.

She held a handful of his shirt in her fists, her chest vibrating more with her head on his shoulders, tears stained his white shirt making it a bit more translucent.

They both needed each other as a source of comfort, it was like a drug they could never get high of.

"I promise very soon, things will be different. I will be a much better husband and father for you and Milo. I promise, my love"

Now, all he needed was to find a way to apologize to Milo and ask for his forgiveness.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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