Deja Vu

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"do you get deja vu when she's with you"

Do you get deja vu when you're with me?

"Andrea Briones" i formally introduced myself to him, duh. i like him for months now and ngayon lang ako nag karoon ng chance para makausap sya, "too formal" he said while chuckling.

"okay then, just call me whatever you want" i said and gave him a cute smile.

We're actually like know each other for like 6 months? Since, we're both broadcaster but the difference is he's handler, you know something like talent manager basta!

"i like you too" i almost spit the drink that i just drank, what the hell?? did i heard it right? "w-what!?" i asked him once again for assurance, ayoko namang maging assuming noh!

"i like you, i like you too" he said while smirking to hide his smile, Ahck! oh my god! my long time crush just confessed!

"Babe, are you listening?" I asked him when i noticed that he's kind of busy to something, magka vc kami ngayon and i was telling him about the issue on mico, the broadcasting app. 5Months passed since we've been together the first 3months was just smooth, you know the usual routine ng magjowa. But i just noticed a little bit of changes when we reached our 4th month and then now, he's kinda busy sometimes, he looks like bothered by something i didn't know. "yes babe? i'm sorry can you repeat that?" he answered. "Nevermind babe, let's just sleep you look tired" i said before hanging up.

days, months, passed and finally we're now celebrating our 1st anniversarry! I wake up early to get ready, i planned a little surprised for him actually i plan this 2months ago, ganun ako ka excited.

to: squad

Get ready girls! today is d-day! luv u all, mwaps

after i sent a message to my friends i started to get ready myself. I take my shower for about 40 minutes and another half hour of putting my makeup. I decided to wear a nude-pink bodycon dress with a puff sleeves i partnered it with a white flat sandals finished with a baby pink sling bag. I texted my friends that i'm on my way to his condo. Ang plano lang kasi talaga namin ay maglalunch lang then konting ikot sa mall.

around 11am ng makarating ako sa condo nya, i sighed and fixed my dress before clicking the doorbell. I clicked the doorbell button around 5times but still no response of him, i started to give a soft knocked on his unit but still no response of him, i tried to call and text him but he didn't even bother to answer it.

i started to get heavy breathing, and stomach ache, i calmed myself before entering his door passcode, yes i know the code i just want to gave him a proper respect though i'm his girlfriend it's still his condo, he's still needs privacy.

when i finished entering the code the door just suddenly open, i step inside and closed the door again, "hey babe, i'm here" i said out of nowhere. I noticed that it's kinda messy on the living room, i saw a two wine glass leaving on a coffee table the one has still a wine on it. My heartbeats became so fast and fast as i step in front of his bedroom, "it's okay, nothing to worry about" i whisper to myself to calmdown before pushing the doorknob.

"oh, hi!" its a woman saying hi to me, she looks pretty with her messy light blonde long hair, she's wearing cj's shirt... she's wearing my boyfriend's shirt!

"what the hell is going on here!????" i scream out of confusion, i saw cj waking up because of my loud voice! He gave a soft glanced to this woman in front me before turning his eyes on me. I see how his sleepy eyes turned into shocked one. "surprise" i said following with my tears that just keep falling.

"it's our fucking anniversarry! what the hell on earth did u guys just did last night!????" i said with anger and dissappointment at the sametime. "s-shes anne" he said, still not looking at me. We're now at the parking lot of his condo, grabe! ako pa talaga nag adjust at iniwan nya pang nagkakape yung babaeng yun sa unit nya, goodmorning huh!?

"a-anne. you're ex." i said, still crying, "i'm sorry i-i thought i was loving you" he said, i don't know if he just doesn't want to see me cry or he just doesn't want to feel guilty for the pain he'd been causing me right now.

"you thought!?" i said and gave him a bitterlaugh, "you just thought that you're loving me for one fucking year!????" my tears just keep falling and i just don't know how to stop them, my heart was trembling with pain. "i still love her" he said, still not looking to me.

"i thought, i was loving you. pero narealized ko ginagawa lang kitang replica nya. na everytime i am talking with you, everytime we held each other arms sya yung nakikita ko, feeling ko sya yung nakakasama ko, and that just makes me realized that she's still the girl that i want to be with me in present and in the future" he said, but this time he's looking at me. I see no pain in his eyes but guilt instead.

"replica? hahaha! what a good joke on earth! for fucking goddamn year i'm your ex's replica? Fuckyou! ceejay! I fucking hate you!" i cannot control myself anymore, i found myself hitting him so much. I was in a full of anger! I wanna smack and punch him so hard right on his face but i just can't because of the pain that made me feel so weak.

"Surprise andrea! Happy one fucking year! I fucked my ex right before our anniversarry, exciting right?" i mocked at him while smiling with full of bitterness. "You and You're fucking whore ex are just too much! Fuckyou!" i said before i leave him there.

I don't know how i ended up here in front of kim's apartment, my bestfriend. This is we're we supposed to celebrate our anniversarry which is today. "Fucking surprises" i cursed to myself before entering the apartment.

"SURPRISED!" they scream as soon as i enter the unit, they thought that i was with cj since it was all in the plan. I can't help myself but to cry again in front of them.

"yeah, i was supposed to gave him a surprise but guess what!?? i got surprised too" i said, while my tears are coming down on face, i felt so weak to the point that i can't feel my feet anymore. I cover my face with my right hand while the other one was on my chest. "i'm all fucked up!" i said, still crying.

i felt their hands on my back trying to give me some comfort, "Hey love, shh we're here for you" i heard kimmy's voice trying so hard to console me. "He's an asshole!" this time it's ate sera's voice. Thank god i have a squad like them, kahit papaano meron ang someone to lean on.

"Putangina naman bakit mo iniiyakan? ang bobo ha! Tayo dyan ang magaganda hindi umiiyak sa lalaking walang itlog pagdating sa relasyon!" It's from ate nero's, i smiled a bit when i heard her voice, sha has this strong personality that i just really admire. "Sorry, umiyak bunso nyo." i tried so hard to stop my tears from falling. I faced them and gave them a bittersmile.

They just hugged me so tight, i feel the warm of their love for me. "Hey, let's just eat!" i said in between of our hugging session.

6months passed, and i all i can say is i am fine now. I guess. I can't lie to myself that i don't love him anymore, but, not the way i loved before. Maybe, yung pagmamahal na meron ako sakanyan yun nalang yung ginagawa kong inspirasyon para pigilan na magpakatanga sakanya.

Moving on was never been easy, come to think of it, Pipilitin mong magsimula ulit ng bagong kabanata ng wala na yung taong kasama mo sa mga nakaraan mong pahina. Memories keeps forever, at yun ang hindi ko maaalis, but the lesson i learned is what the most important for me right now.

I realized how much worth it i am, i am worth loving for to someone who doesn't see me as a replica of their past. I am me, and no one can beat that. I have this invisible crown ma hindi maaagaw saakin ng iba.

And for cj, thankyou for hurting me. Kasi kung hindi, hindi ko rin marerealized kung gaano ako ka treasurable na tao. I have loved you, and that's unconditionally but because of the pain you've caused me, i became even more a brave human being, i became even more stronger.

I am worth for someone who doesn't get deja vu when he's with me.

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