Chapter 10 PART 2!!!!

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AN: Sorry for the lateness! What's this?! An End?! Yes, there is a Part 3!! Working on that right now and will be up tomorrow! Hope you had a great New Years! 2013 is going to be better for you and me! Updates way more often!!! :D 

Chapter 10


Liam’s POV

Ring ring! I sighed, and took out my phone. It was a reminder that signaled us that we had to get going. I stood up and waited for Niall to follow. Before walking again, I turned to him, “We are finishing this later ok? Don’t forget that this is Zayn and Harry’s day” I told him in a comforting tone. He nodded then ran the rest of the way. I walked behind him, receiving the red basket left on a side bench along the way. I heard him yell “Hey guys!!”  I chuckled when I saw the scene. Niall was running up to the lads, they were holding hands, shocked about our sudden presence. I shook my head saying that we hadn’t followed them around. Creepy……

“We have to get going now. Don’t want to waste time. C’mon c’mon.” I said motioning to the direction of the car. After a long walk back, I noticed a curled up Louis in the back seat resting his head against the window. I was remembered to what Niall was going to say. Why was Louis so strange since his return? I used to think that it was because of the newly formed couple, but there must be another side of it. We arrived at the house where the second plans took place. Zayn and Harry was confused as I told them to stay put and got out along with Niall. We both walked in the house checking up on the special room we had prepared while they were at the park. I gave Niall a thumbs up and motioned him to get the others.

Dimming the lights i walked out to check on the dinner. The sauce was ready and the noodles were 2 minutes from being ready. Perfect. I looked around the corner into the den. Niall was leading them into the room with the nicely set up table in the middle. He looked up after seating in Zayn and did the secret signal at me. I nodded and went back to the kitchen.


Zayn’s POV

Niall lead Harry and I inside into the house. I was very confused on why though, wasn’t the day over? We walked in the den and Harry and I stared in awe as we looked around. The table looked fancy yet nice, the room was dimmed and there was soft music in the background. Clearly this was planned longer than a few hours. Niall sat me down and told us to wait for a second. I nodded and turned my focus onto the jade colored eyed boy in front of me. He gave me a small smile and started fidgeting in his seat. I grinned at his cuteness. I was about to ask him a question when Liam came in wearing a white apron and carrying a tray. I realized what was going on. I felt embarrassed yet thankful at the same time. There was a side of me that still felt so much for Harry. All morning that was the main side that controlled me. It’s like the fire was let again in me. I wanted to give Harry the best anniversary date, yet I didn’t have to. Yes i was greatful for my three best mates setting this up, though Louis did look surprised this morning, but shouldn't it be me planning the date? Or Harry? I didn't know the reason why they would do this for us.

"Tonight we are surving Italian spaghetti with freshly bought tomato sauce. And to drink we have sparkling cyder or water." Liam said all fancy like almost as the table i'm sitting at. Harry decided on the cyder while i settled on water. He walked back into the kitchen after setting the drinks down in front of us. Taking a sip of my water i looked back at the cute lad in front of me. He was so adorable and innocent in his seat that i questioned myself on why we broke up. Maybe he deserves someone better than you. I thought more about that last reason. Harry does deserve better...

I heard some sounds and noticed that i was staring at the wall. "Caught up in your thoughts Zaynie?" Harry asked followed by a slight chuckle from both Liam and i. "Well i am not surprised that you were the reason why" i said back watching as Harry blushed and look down. I knew Liam was feeling sorta uncomfortable in the moment but he still laughed. He put the plates in front of us and told us to enjoy. Also adding in that he and the other two lads were going out. He winked while walking out. I glared at him and knew that Harry was again embarrassed. "How come you're so shy, mate?" I asked after i heard the car leave. He looked at me and said "Why are you so cool?" "Maybe because we should act like we are still together" i chuckled slightly but stopped when his face. "Why aren't we still together?" He whispered deep into my eyes. All thoughts were brought back from earlier. "You deserve better, Haz." I whispered back looking at my lap. Some shuffling later Harry was forcing my eyes into his. "What if i dont want better right now? What if i want you?" "Really?" I questioned. He nodded and move closer. He kissed me making me feel comfortable and loved. That moment i made myself forget everything else and settled on restarting my relationship with Harry.


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