chapter three.

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"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." ― Mae West

   i didnt know what i was getting myself into when it came to walker. They felt to me like a mystery, a puzzle i just had to solve. i dont like not understanding people and i dont fully understand them yet. what i do know about them is that they spark such a wave of wonderful feelings inside of me that I dont quite know what to do with yet. 

  watching those tears stream down their face is something i never wanted to see again, not like this. they dont deserve it, or at least i feel that they dont. like i said, i barely know them. My heart was beating so fast. i felt like it was just now or never and with the way they looked into my irises it was almost like i had to or i was failing the goddess herself, Aphrodite, and things good in this world. i kissed them, and i was surprised when they started to kiss me back. now our lips interlocked i could feel butterflies, hurricanes, whirlwinds, flurries, chaos in my gut, but the good kind. 

i pull back and rest my forehead against theirs. 

"walker, i dont know how it took you 3 conversations to make me like you and quite frankly im scared like you pulled some voodoo shit and now im indebted to you forever which i really wouldnt mi-" they cut me off with another kiss and i can taste the salt from their tears. 

"i hate romance, i hate that i like you when the reason is unclear, i hate that in the midst of this i have to get brain surgery and might possibly lose the only chance i have at having a romance and something in this damned world that i dont-" they choke up, "that i dont hate."

i can feel how sad they are, how sad they've been. but im speechless, i actually don't know what to say. 

"say something, anything." walker seems to be looking for reassurance.

"even though this relationship is so out of nowhere and just down right weird, i think we feel so strongly about each other for a reason and i'm open to exploring the reason if you are, stalker." i smirk at them. they smile back at me and rest their head again on my chest. 

The doctor who had left earlier comes in the room but this time with paperwork in her hand.

"Vernon, do you need any assistance with the paperwork?"

Vernon smiles through their tear stained face, politely declines, and just asks for a pen.

more than anything in this world, i just want them to be okay. not just because of this surgery shit but im hoping that i can heal their shit inside, the trauma, the inner child that is begging to come out and play but i can tell theyre still too scared. fuck why am i studying psych.

"Sawyer," they turn to me, "you are here for real right? like youre not just some being i made up in my mind to help me cope with this obvious disaster."

I giggle a little at the thought i could just be a psychosis demon. 

"No stalker, im real dont worry. I think." i make them laugh. 

"You have a really amazing smile." they shy away a little at my comment and i change the subject.

"Do you need any help with your paperwork or are you almost done?"

"Can you read it to me?" and just after she asks me that question her grandma, i think, comes in and starts speaking to her in spanish. now is not a good time to have been the only kid who took french in high school.

"Mija, do you need help?" she asks Vernon.

"Ay, abuelita, Sawyer here was about to read that for me." her grandma glares at me for a moment and then her face softens, as if she was forgiving me for something.

I extend my hand, "Hi, I'm Sawyer and I'm assuming you are Vernon's grandmother?" she reaches out and shakes my hand.

"Si, I am Vernon's abuelita, but you can call me Nina." 

"beautiful name." i reply. 

she lets go of my hand and smiles a thank you smile. she then takes the papers from me and starts reading them to Vernon. 

I walk back slowly and giggle while keeping eye contact with vernon. I mouth a "I'll call you later" and they nod.

As i'm leaving, i bump into Vernon's mom. 

"Oh shit, i mean shoot, Hi Ms. Walker." i feel my ears turn hot because I'm a little embarassed and nervous.

"Hey, Um, Sawyer right?" her mouth is half full and shes struggling with a few things in her hand.

"yeah, uh do you need help?" i quickly catch the chips that fall out of her grip and she hands me two more items to help her carry.

"Yeah help is always nice, my son here, is kind of an asshole." i giggle and help her get her snacks into her purse. 

Vernon's brother has his nose stuck in his phone playing games.

"Ah yeah, 13 year olds man." she chuckles and then roles her eyes.

"Tell me about it." she walks away with a fistful of Theo's hair and heads to vernon's room. 

When I finally get to my car, it's around 7:34 pm and i realize that i have writing on my arm from earlier. "dont forget to tell her."



jeesh, i had terrible writers block on this one 😐

word count: 925

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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