The Truth comes out

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The scene starts off with Shane in the prison cage in the basement of the school. Every morning they let Shane out to help train and teach the super squad about the Dark force and how to fight them. MG, Kayleb and Jed don't like the fact that a killer who is a witch is training them, they want to have a proper teacher someone who is a vampire or werewolf. After morning training they all head back inside all except for shane who walked towards the lake and just sat on the dock looking out over the water. When he was walking towards the dock, Josie saw him and decided to go after him. Josie is taking a quick leave from Mystic falls high and returning back to the Salvatore school to train and get in fighting condition. Anyways, she followed him to the dock and she sees him just sitting down looking over the water not doing anything and just then Shane says "I know your there Josie, hiding the bushes you can come out you know I'm not gonna kill you" to which Josie said, "I know you won't kill me, I just didn't want to bother you that's all." To which Shane said, "you can't bother me, Jo, trust me, I have gone through so much that I have a high tolerance. Oh and Jo, I have a question" to which Jo responded with "what is it" why weren't you scared of me when I told you who I really am, everyone usually looks terrified and angry not to forget hateful towards me, why weren't you." Josie responded, " well you see when I first meet you I felt something about you, I felt like you were a person who has gone through something in his life and was trying to change things around and when I heard you say you didn't want to hurt anybody even though you're supposed to be this mass killer who brings pain your just a simple kid just like the rest of us." Shane responded by saying "yeah i guess your right, the thing is Jo i am a bad person, no matter what you think of me, i have killed millions of people in my life Jo, and I'm not even old enough to drink Jo, i am a monster Jo and i think its best if you stayed away from me, i cant have you being around me, i could influsnece you in a bad way and i could hurt you and i don't want to do that so please leave Jo." To which Josie responded by saying "No I am not leaving you, I believe that you could become a better person you just have to try harder than others I believe in you I believe in you, you can become a better person." to which Shane yelled "You really need to leave jo NOW, I can't be redeemed, I have done the worst of the worst Jo, I have killed peoples fathers and mothers as well as their sons and daughters I am a monster Jo and I suggest you leave NOW" to which Josie responded "No I don't believe you I'm not leaving you." this made Shane even mad because he doesn't want Josie to be around him because he feels like he is an awful person and she is just this pure soul who wants to help others. So he got really angry at her and to scare her off he would have to become scary and mean in front of her to send her away: so Shane said "For the LAST TIME JOSIE, LEAVE GO AWAY" and as he said this his eyes glowed orange and Josie had seen it. After she had heard shane get angry and yell at her she left all upset. And when she had gone Shane looks really sad and upset and starts punching himself and saying "I never wanted to hurt her or make her upset, I just want her to get away from me so she can still have that pure heart of hers and not be around a person with bad influence, I will go through extremes to make sure that Josie and Lizzie stay away from me as possible because they remind me of my little sister and well I cannot bring them into my world of problems." after Shane had said this he just stares back at the water throwing rocks and this is where that scene ends. Then we go into the school where everyone is sitting down in the library trying to gather as much offensive magic and fighting skills as they can to gather information and improve their fighting skills. When Jo walked in she was a little teary-eyed and when Hope saw her she noticed it and ran up to her and gave her a hug and asked her what's wrong and Josie responded with "Shane yelled at me and I tried to help him but he didn't want any help and and" to which Hope responded with "Don't you worry Josie, I'll go teach him a lesson" and as she was walking away Josie stopped her and said "No Hope don't, I feel like Shane only yelled at me to leave because he felt like, me being around him wasn't safe and that I would be better off away from him. He told me to leave him and go with the others where your better off but i didn't listen and i said to him that he can be redeemed and when i said that i saw some hope in his eyes but he quickly shut it down and yelled at me to leave" to which Hope responds with "Ok then Jo, but just remember if he does anything to hurt you call me ok" to which Josie responded with " ok thanks Hope" and after that Josie went and sat next to Lizzie who was comforting Josie and making sure that she is ok and that is when MG says "what do you guys think of him like do you think he's good or bad or what" to which Kayleb says "Man he's defo bad, he snaped our necks and he traped Cleo in a holding spell thing on the floor, oh as well as Lizzie and not to mention he threw Jed like 100 ft, which i mean isn't too bad but still" To which Josie says " I actually think there are some goodness about him sure he has killed millions but i feel like he isn't telling us the whole story" to which Jed says "what do you mean the whole story I mean did you see how long that presentation was, oh and kayleb at least i made contact with him and didn't just get my neck snapped like a rag doll." After hearing what Jed had said Kayleb and Jed stand up and face each other face to face. It was then that Landon says "guys relax why are we letting this outsider guy get in the way of us and not to mention we have bigger problems at hand such as Malavore and now this Black force people so please relax everyone" after landon had said this both Jed and Kayleb sat back down in their seats. Thats when Josie says " guys i know we have a lot to worry about but i have to say something about Shane and i feel like something is off about him" to which the group says what do you mean off, to which Josie responds "when he got mad at me i saw his eyes glow like a wearwolf" to which Hope says "are you sure you saw that" to which Josie responds with "i am 100 % sure, i saw it" to which Jed says "that would explain how he threw me so far." And Hope says "that also explains how he got out of the cell." After the group talks, they all decided to confront Shane about it. So, when shane walked back into the room and told them all to get ready for second practice Hope says "so werewolf got anything to say" and when Shane heard it he was surprised and stammerd "what what do you mean and who you calling a werewolf, because last i checked im a witch" to which Josie says " I saw you eyes glow and it also explains how you got out the cell and threw Jed so far" to which Shane says "guys that is all magic you gotta find and know the right spells that's all and anyways we have to get to training so come on lets go." Everyone follows him outside and gets to training (add some dialogue here when you feel like it). After training was done they all went inside except for shane he told everyone that he's gonna go for a quick run on campus and he will be back in time for dinner and the time he has to be in his cell by. So, Shane runs off to start his run and while he was off Hope decides to follow Shane and see what he is up to. SO, she went after him and later she finds shane in the woods part of campus and sees him carrying a duffle bag and sees him disappear around the corner of the shack that was out in the woods and she sees that he hasn't come out for a little bit but, then she sees the bushes moving and sees a wolf coming out from the shack and she knew instantly it was him so, She ran back to the school and was going to tell the others but she stopped and thought to herself why was he hiding the fact that he is a witch and a werewolf. So, as the day went on she thought of that and later that night when Shane came back and went into his cell and everybody was asleep Hope came down to talk to him. She said "I know you're a werewolf, I saw you turn when you were off on your run, you turned when it wasn't a full moon that means you a mix of some kinda were witch" To which Shane looked surprised and shocked to what he had just heard. To which he says "I don't know what you mean" to which hope says " I saw you turn behind the shack in the woods, just tell me what you really are, i wont tell the others, i didn't even tell them you turned into a werewolf so please tell me" to which Shane says "Goodnight Hope" I think this is a good ending point because you are wondering what is he hiding and why wont he say.

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