Interview 1

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Interview 1 done by Snail on 4/11/2021 at 12:52 PM EST. Completed at 1:23PM EST.

Subject 1: Jadyn#4470

Subject 2: *ೃ˚☁↳ ❝ Nico ❞#5830

Subject 3: ♯ஂ.ꦿℎꪱᴋᥲɾꪱ_mel̸lo̸wx̸#9722

Subject 4: Random Person#3657

Question 1

INTERVIEWER: First question, what drove you to use gacha life in the first place?

SUBJECT 1: I just randomly tried it out.

SUBJECT 2: Um, I saw a YouTube video titled, 'Gacha Studio!', if I remember correctly. It had a download link of the app, so I downloaded it, and started designing characters. 

SUBJECT 4: Well, for me, I was going through some rough times and needed something to keep my mind off of that. I saw some gacha life when it came out.

SUBJECT 2: I saw some really badly edited gacha stuff (back when gacha studio was a thing) and i told myself i'd do a better job than them, because back then my ego was higghhhh. 

Question 2

INTERVIEWER: Second question, who is your favorite gacha YouTuber and why? What drove you to them?

SUBJECT 1: I don't really watch gacha tubers. 

SUBJECT 2: Fire A simply because *chefs kiss*. Also because they're the only gacha tuber I watch once a year.

SUBJECT 4: LemeQ is probably my favorite, they make good content that I enjoy. They also have nice character designs.

SUBJECT 3: Someone called Ander_101 is really talented and used to be my favorite gacha tuber, but they had an opinion on something that happened, and I didn't agree to that at all. So now it's xmoquax and quang-sir. 

Question 3

INTERVIEWER: Third question: What would you say is the best part about gacha? 

SUBJECT 2: The heat part is the best contrary to popular opinion. The other cringey stuff is the worst though. 

SUBJECT 3: The gacha heat being spread everywhere.

SUBJECT 1: Gacha heat, definitely.

INTERVIEWER: Could you go more in depth on the definition for gacha heat? For people who might not understand?

SUBJECT 2: It's little kids trying to be horny.

SUBJECT 3: Yeah, gacha heat is like nsfw made in gacha, it's pretty good.

SUBJECT 1: Gacha heat is a subgenre of gacha content, basically porn. 


SUBJECT 3: Gacha heat is usually people of underage communities, making gacha characters and showing them doing sexual things.

SUBJECT 3: Those characters are mostly underage as well. One thing I love about it is that they display them doing very sexual things, they apparently fear using sexual words.

Question 4

INTERVIEWER: 4th question: What would you say is the common age range for gacha users? In your opinion, what age should people use gacha, and if you think there’s an age that shouldn’t what is it?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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