Sairat OS: Need

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Virat Chavan had been assigned a high profile case to catch a criminal. During the operation, in the hocus pocus an innocent man had been shot. Virat blamed himself for being irresponsible and the man getting shot. The man was admitted to the hospital.

Virat returned home, he was in agony. As he entered his room his wife was sitting on the study table, upon seeing her husband back,  "Virat sir" Sai said excitedly but her husband did not even look at her and directly went to washroom to change, she felt strange because Virat never did that, but she knew something was bothering him, she could tell what her husband is feeling by just looking at him.
Virat changed, came out and sat on his side of the bed, stressed and rubbing his fingers on his forehead. Sai saw him stressed, she went and sat right beside him, quite close and put her hand on his shoulder, Virat looked at her and hugged her tight, Sai couldn't see her husband in this state hugged him back with one hand on his back and other one on his head caressing it. Pulling back a little Virat looked into Sai's eyes with his eyes filled with tears sharing an eye contact with her as if asking for permission, Sai saw agony in her husband's eyes and conveyed her permission through eyes. Virat kissed her, he kissed her hard as if his life depends on it, she kissed him back although it was a bit difficult for her, with the passion and intensity he was kissing, for her first time. They pulled back, joining their foreheads, looking at each other, Sai took his hand and put it on her heart to make him feel her heartbeat, then she slowly put it under her kurta on her breast, Virat just looked at his wife and started to undress her, Sai too helped undress him. Virat cupped Sai's face, shared and eye contact with her kissed her, laid her down with himself on top of her, thrusted into her and started to make love to her, he started it slow but quickly got intense. He made love to her intensely and passionately numerous times through the night. He made love to her as if sharing all his misery with her through their bodies. He needed her that night, he needed her always.
In the morning as he woke up he saw his wife sleeping, with her head on his chest, her hand around his waist and his hand around her shoulders, he felt content. He gave her a peck, slowly got up and put her back to sleep, got ready and left for work. The man who got shot, survived and was out of danger.
In the evening as he returned home and entered his room, he saw his wife arranging clothes in the cupboard, admiring her. Sai saw him and said "you're back!" He came forward held his wife's hands looked at her as they shared and eye contact, Sai now knew that whatever problem bothering him had been solved. Virat caressing her hands with his thumb said "thank you", upon listening to the thank you Sai got furious at him jerked her hands off and said "thank you? This is what you think of me to be? Am I just some mere object to you that you can use whenever you want and say thank you afterwards." Virat was taken aback on how his wife misinterpreted his words and said "Sai..,Sai.. listen to me, how could you think so low of me? Do I look that shallow? I didn't thank you for sleeping with me but I thanked you for being there for me always, physically or not doesn't matter. I am thanking you for accepting me as your husband and this marriage as dil waali shaadi not just deal waali shaadi." Sai was now calm upon listening to her husband and tears were rolling down her eyes, wiping her tears Virat said "Sai I've been trying to tell you this for a long time now but haven't been able to. Sai Joshi I LOVE YOU, I love you like I've loved no other and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you, I can't see you go away from me ever. You are my love, my life, my wife." More tears started rolling down Sai's eyes and they hugged, pulling back Virat asked "what about you?" To which Sai said "what about me? You're still asking me this after everything that happened last night, can't you see it in my eyes. Can't you see that I LOVE YOU, I love you so much that it hurts, up until now my Aaba was my whole world but after him you came into my life as my husband, you took my responsibility when you could've denied doing so. You are my whole world, my family, my love, my life, my husband. I've given myself to you because love conquers everything. And by the way it is Sai Virat Chavan now." Virat was ecstatic on listening to his wife and they kissed.
They fed each other dinner with their hands and then made love again and again.

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