20 2 10

(I was tagged by philshouseplant16)


1) Height?

2) Name?

3) Pet peeve?

4) Favourite band?

5) Celeb crush?

6) Favourite movie?

7) Favourite TV show?

8) Aesthetic?

9) Favourite board game?

10) Crush?

(tag 3-4 people)


1) 5'2 sadly. Both my best friends are 5'6 and it's annoying.

2) Leo (that's short for something, but I don't really want to say my real name. Also, people mostly just call me Leo)

3) When people say 'less' when 'fewer' is the correct word. I really don't know why.

4) The Beatles, Sleeping At Last, and Simon and Garfunkel even though they're technically not a band, but a duo.

5) Don't have one 

6) The Imitation Game, Hamilton, The Silence Of The Lambs, American Psycho, and Mama Mia. Quite an odd mix, I know.

7) Sherlock, Star Trek. (LuceDelSole11, does the Dream SMP count as a TV show? lmao)

8) I like Art Academia. Idk what my current aesthetic is, though.

9) Monopoly, Clue, Battleship, and Chess. I'm basic.

10) Again, don't have one





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