A New Change

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Edited !
Warning - Mild Self Harm


Okay, okay. Calm down. You could do this. You had to do this. Aside from the fact that you'd die if you didn't, of course. You wanted to, anyway.You looked down at your hands, a piece of post-it note that bore evidence of getting crumpled. The words on the paper seemed to stare back at you as you glared daggers at the note, wishing for it to disappear and at the same time, recalling for the 10th time why it existed in the first place.

5 Days Ago


And checkmate it truly is, you thought, as you glanced up at your ever-loving boyfriend who so happened to be paying attention to his phone. He was obviously having fun sending "I like you too <3" to every other girl in town, and you had suspected it for a while, but you didn't really have any evidence to call him out. That, or you just didn't bother because you knew it was a lost cause. It was probably the latter.

"Hm, what? Oh, good job babe, I knew you could do it." You wondered if you could ever sound as bored as he did at that moment. It got silent and painstakingly awkward, so you looked for an escape.

"I'm gonna head to the washroom really quick," and with an afterthought,

"Mm." Absolute boyfriend material.

As you walked towards the toilet ( or "washroom" as you say in front of everyone, because it's an oh, so sophisticated word), you thought back to when things went sour between you and Connor. You'd known him since your kindergarten days. He introduced himself to you with a big grin and a helping hand, like those superheroes in the comics you always used to read .

Realising you went the wrong way, you turned a corner, head still in the clouds.

It went from being best friends in grade school to being something but not-really-anything in high school and now, you had officially become "soulmates for life". Or so you thought.

You took a detour cause the house was pretty big , and you wanted to dally a bit, so you kept walking.

He was pretty sweet at first, looking at no one else but you, yet -

"Okay, hold up - when were these damn symbols around?" You thought as you looked back, realising that you kept seeing the same logo again and again. An O with an X. It seemed ominous, and you could feel a horror-movie vibe in the air.

"To explore or to not explore..?" You felt a bit of apprehension while considering, since Connor was waiting and ladies shouldn't spend too much time at the "washroom". Actually, was Connor even waiting at all? Before you knew it, you thought,

"F*ck it, i'm exploring."

You didn't have to look around much, though, when someone outside the window grabbed your attention. Someone, or in this case, something. It was taller than a human should be, and seemed to be waiting. Waiting?

Waiting for what..?

"What in the hell is that?", you muttered to yourself, trying to squint your eyes as if it would have helped you identify the "thing" outside your window better.

"911? A cult? Mom? What do I do when someone's staring me down..?"

You didn't notice it had come closer until it was almost right in front of you. And that was enough for you to realise that it had no face. Or humanity. You could sense those kind of things, like how you could sense rainy weather on it's way. It had a suit, though.

"... The kitchen's that way." was an automatic response that came right out of your mouth.

You stared at each other for at least a minute or two until it left as suddenly as it came. The threatening air in the atmosphere was gone, and the tension disappeared.

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