You're hair is.... white?!

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Toga POV:

I woke up earlier than usual. It was five o'clock in the morning. I got up and put a new shirt on not bothering to put new pants on I flew to the door and down the stairs. " hey mom , where's Dabi?" I asked the black cloud Dabi called shit face. " He's in the bathroo" he was cut of by a shriek and somebody opening the bathroom door and a small white haired child with a bunch of bandages around his arms fleeing out. " holy s-" I thought Mom was about to cuss. But quickly stopping the sentence so I wouldn't hear. I looked at the small child who was glaring at me. " I'm Toga , what's you're name?" I asked the small kid his face turned stiff. " I'm not aloud to tell you" he said. " hm well where do you come from?" I asked him I tried to look as happy as possible. " not here" he said. Jeez he only looked four and he was sarcastic as fvck. I knelt down to be the kids height. " how old are you?" I asked politely tying to earn his trust. " ten" he said. Jeez he was so short?! "Woah! You're ten?" Mom said. " yes... is it a problem?" He said. He looked clean his hair was smooth his eyes blue as the ocean , a red feather necklace a baby blue hoodie ripped jeans and some converse. To be honest he was kinda cute. " I'm confused , where's Dabi?" Mom asked. The small child coughed. " I'm Dabi" The white haired child said. My eyes widened a small crash came from behind me I looked at Mom who had dropped an alcohol glass. " um... surprise?" Dabi said. " you're hair is....white?!" I exclaimed.

Ok I know I know it's short but I'm new to it all. I hope you all had a great weekend or whatever you have had , have a great afternoon , morning , or night. ~ •Mikkah• ~

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