Weird meet.

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loud music.

large crowds.

cant move.

your heart started to race, faster than it has before.

"i...i need to get out, this is too much to handle!" You thought to your self.

You tried to get out of the large crowds, but you kept getting pushed around. How were you going to get out?

You got pushed back into someone.


You got mad, It wasn't even on purpose you wanted to punch her so bad but you knew that would only make things worse, but the girl started shouting shit at you.

"WHO THE FUCK DOES THIS RAT ASS HOE MUSTY ROACH THINK SHES TALKING TOO?" You Thought to yourself with a face of disgust.

"listen..." You said as you immediately got cut off.


people started to look over at the two of you, you didn't give a fuck if they thought YOU were crazy, but SHE was the one shouting.

"awh you not gonna say anything back? lil baby chicken.!" The girl teased you.

You smiled.

then you chuckled a bit.

"well byebye! it was fun talking to you, sweetheart."You waved to her with a bright smile just to get on her nerves.

She was so mad that you just acted like nothing happened, she was so pissed off by you.
of course you were just joking with her you would never actually call some bitch being rude to you "sweetheart". And you wouldn't smile at them either.

As you were walking away from the situation a guy jumped in front of you.
by the sudden surprise you jumped back, "who the fuck-"

"THAT WAS AWESOME!" the guy praised you.

"w-what was awesome?! also i think you have the wrong person.?" you said with a confused tone.

"no way! i have the right person, also what was awesome was how you handled that situation! you know, i wanted to punch her so bad! she was so rude to you.."The guy slightly jumping around in front of you.

you laughed at him,"Yeah..she was rude but i don't mind, i just need to get out of here before she gets a gang to beat me up"you joked.

"Well if she does..i'll protect you!"he shouted with lots of enthusiasm.

You grabbed his arm before he could shout anymore embarrassing things.
"keep it down!"You whispered and let go of his arm.

he laughed a bit,"sorry! i tend to get a bit excited sometimes."the guy explained.

"mhm yeah i bet"You playfully rolled your eyes."Anyway, would you happen to know the fastest exit and guide me there, yeah thanks."You asked him.

"Ah! yes, just follow me" He said as he started to guide you,"Well i can definitely trust him well i think anyway."you thought to yourself.


Well first chapter done! feeling successful 😼 anyway i don't know if i'll do another chapter but tell me if you want more! alr bye ily (•̀ω•́ )

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