I'm Not Blind Anymore

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(This is something I wrote because my friend gave me an order to write a one-shot inspired by Katy Perry's song 'Wide Awake' so I came up with this, she also wrote one and we gave them to my friend, Kaylee, to judge them and she chose mineeeeee EEEEEEEEEEE)

"Have you talked to him?", Rachel asked me. We were just finishing up our shift at the diner, and the "him" in question was obviously Blaine. It had been a little over a week since I found out that he had cheated on me with Sebastian. 

"That's the second time you've asked me that question today", I replied as I wiped down the counter, clearly exasperated. "My answer is going to the same thing I said 2 hours ago! No, I have not talked to that cheating prick." I sighed before adding, "And I don't plan on doing so anytime soon." I was hoping that would satisfy Rachel, but it didn't stop her from asking questions.

"Why not? Don't you wanna know why he did it?", she asked, tightening up her ponytail. "If it were me, I would want to know." I turned back to her and glared.

"I never want to see him ever again", I replied. I started something else before my gaze turned to the door when the little bell jingled. I stared right into a pair of eyes. Pretty hazel eyes that could only belong to Blaine Anderson. He chuckled nervously when he realized who I was.

"Hey, Kurt, I totally forgot you worked here", he said, sitting down at the counter. I scoffed.

"Bullshit", I spat. "You probably did this on purpose, you probably wanted an excuse to talk to me. Well, it's not going to happen because my shift's almost over." Blaine looked taken aback for a second.

"Come on, Kurt, you deserve an explanation", he said, his expression softening. "What I did to you was horrible, I'll admit that."

"I don't think I need an explanation. Frankly, I should've seen it coming, I always knew you had a secret thing for him. Oh, I'm sorry, I'm so rude, would you like a menu?", I asked. Blaine paused for a moment before answering.

"Actually...yes, I would like a menu", he said. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a menu from under the counter. I looked back at Rachel with a pleading look on my face. She nodded and switched places with me. "Kurt-"

"Like I said, I really don't think you need to explain anything, so you really have nothing you need to say to me", I replied. "You hurt me, and I don't think any explanation you give me will make me forgive you. I know you'll be in good hands with Rachel."

"So...that's it?", Blaine asked. I nodded.

"That's it..our story is finished, Blaine", I said. "Maybe we can still be friends, but like I said, what you did really hurt me, so I don't know." Blaine's mouth hung open in confusion.

"You've got to be kidding", he muttered. I shook my head.

"Maybe you should let Sebastian cheat on you to see how it feels", I replied. "It's sort of like a dream where you're falling, and then you just...hit the concrete." I grabbed some dishes from the counter and took them to the kitchen, but turned back to add something. "And Blaine, find a new place to eat at, don't come here ever again." I heard Blaine scoff, but I just smirked to myself.


"How did you do that...with Blaine, earlier?", Rachel asked as we were eating. I shrugged.

"I guess you can say I..."woke up"? Does that make sense?", I responded, picking at my food. Rachel nodded meekly.

"It makes total sense", she said. "You decided to stop taking bullshit from him. You don't deserve that..from anyone. And he doesn't deserve you." I smiled and speared a piece of broccoli with my fork.

"No one deserves me", I said, popping the piece of broccoli in my mouth. "I'm like the last piece of pizza in the box of pizza that's shared between a group of friends, everyone wants me, but no one in that friend group really deserves me."

"That's...an interesting way to think about it", Rachel replied, laughing a little bit. "Really thinking outside the box there." I smiled and nodded, shoving another piece of vegetable into my mouth.

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