18. I killed him

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Phoebe said nothing to Liam and his confession, and instead rose to her feet and left him there. She left him there to think about how much he'd opened up and how little she'd returned the favour.

Liam retired to bed soon after, but didn't sleep much that night. He didn't sleep much at all.

Now, it was the next day and Liam was sitting in Brett's home office with Adam. Brett was explaining some problems with an old rival gang that he'd had issues with from down North, before turning legitimate of course.

"They don't seem to believe that we're not in that business anymore, and I need to get the point across, but I'm not sure how without using... physical tactics.", Brett spoke out, leaning back in his seat, his voice intoned with authority and dominance.

"I'm no use with this one," Liam shrugs a little, pushing his hands further into his suit pants pockets.

Liam was accustomed to violence, and he had allowed himself to enjoy it a little during the war. Killing and watching people being killed can do that to a man.

Brett shifted his gaze to Adam, who was standing beside Liam with an unreadable look on his face.

Adam was always so quiet and hardly let his personality through - no one knew why, he'd always been like that from the beginning. "I'd suggest inviting the leader here, the leader alone - show him around your offices.", Adam spoke out into the silence.

Brett seemed to think about it for a moment. "And trust them not to attack us?", He tested.

"To gain trust, you must first give it.", Adam curtly replied, his voice monotone.

Brett nodded slowly, taking what Adam had said into consideration. Brett's mouth opens as if to say something, but he didn't get the chance, his office doors fly open and John and Olivia storm in.

John looks a mess, and drunk.

Olivia looks stressed and tired.

"Is everything okay?", He directs the question to his fiancée, rising to his feet.

Olivia shakes her head. "My dad says he has something to tell me, something serious.", She throws a hand at John, who was staring at Brett with that rage-filled stare. Brett seemed to stare back for a few moments before raising a singular brow.

"Something serious?", Brett almost purrs, as if daring John to say whatever it was he was thinking.

John nods, stumbling a little.

Adam and Liam step to the side a little, and Olivia stands beside Liam for a little comfort. He glances down at the girl and sends her a faint smile - she returns it, before looking back towards her fiancée and her father.

They were staring at one another pretty harshly.

If looks could kill, they'd both be ten feet under.

"Have you told my daughter yet? You marry her in a matter of days, and she knows absolutely nothing about what you've done!", John roars, his voice echoing the entire office.

Brett grows silent, as if realizing what John was so angry about.

Liam knew that this would not end well, and for that exact reason, he places a hand on Olivia's lower back, allowing his thumb to caress the material that lay there. Olivia seemed to relax a little at the comforting notion, but still gawked at her husband-to-be.

"What is he talking about, Brett?", She whispered, sounding sad.

Brett shifted his gaze from John to the tired woman standing beside Liam. "He's talking about our work. The work that you know not to ask about... The work that isn't legit or legal, you know that don't you love?", He asks.

Olivia nods. "Yes.", She breathes - and it was true.

Olivia knew that what Brett did was not good, nor legal or legit. She knew.

"Does she also know about Ben?", And as soon as that one word fell from John's lips, the atmosphere in the room shifted. Olivia stood there, breathless from chasing her father into the office. Her eyes widened slightly at the mention of her ex-boyfriend.

The one she'd seen at that party... and then hadn't heard from since.

She'd thought it was strange but...

"That is enough.", Brett roared, eyes snapping to John. His voice intoned with nothing but power and dominance. John fell silent, and Liam and Adam seemed to dip their heads. Olivia stared across at her fiancée with a confused expression.

"What does he mean?", She asked, voice shaking.

Nobody knew, but everyone was guessing that Brett was moments away from killing John with his own bare hands. Liam knew he could do it and he knew that he would. If his fiancée was not in the room, John would have been murdered.

"Nothing, love.", Brett spoke, trying to keep his voice calm towards Olivia.

But he was angry. The rage was coursing through his body, and he ached to get his hands around John's neck - and he wouldn't stop until his body laid limp beneath his touch.

"Brett.", Olivia snapped. Brett's gaze snapped to his fiancée and he saw the sad look on her face. He dipped his head for a moment, realizing that he would have to tell her. Days before the wedding... He would have to tell his sweet Olivia that he had in fact murdered her ex.

And then minutes later, he'd been balls deep inside of her.

Liam glanced down at Olivia and then back towards Brett - the look of disappointment and terror in both of their eyes was unnerving. Liam wanted to speak and say that they should leave, but he wasn't dumb enough to talk.

Not when Brett was so furious.

So, Liam and Adam stayed with their heads dipped.

John panting and Olivia on the verge of tears.

"You have to understand that what I do...", Brett began.

"Just tell me!", Olivia snapped.

Brett then rose from his seat and wandered around the desk to place his hands on either side of Olivia's face, cupping her so gently that a tear escaped and rolled down her cheek. It didn't get far because Brett wiped it away.

"What happened?", She sobbed, afraid of the answer.

Afraid of what Brett had done.

"I killed him.", He breathed.

Liam and Adam both sucked in a breath.

John grew stiff.

And just like that... Olivia's world came crumbling down.


Oh god, okay so this was kind of a bonus chapter for you guys to keep you updated with Olivia and Brett. For the next chapter, if anyone likes, I might make it a second bonus chapter and have it be a scene between Olivia and Brett?

I'm not sure though yet. :) Please do vote and comment though - Thank you for reading :)

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