chapter one

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Ryan's pov

"JJ! Everyone's going to be here soon!" I called from the bottom of the stairs. She was probably doing her hair or getting dressed. No response. "Jay!" I called again, making my way up the stairs when I received no response. "Jaymie?" I said, knocking on her door softly. When I received no reply, I stepped into her room. She was snoring softly as the sun shone through the curtains onto her face. She was holding her favourite stuffed animal close to her as she had a soft smile resting on her face. I felt bad for waking her up. She looked so peaceful and almost- cute? No, that's not the kind of thing you say about your best friend. Right? I rubbed her back trying to coax her to a state of consciousness. "JJ, bubba, it's time to wake up, love." I always felt very protective of her, like it was my job to take care of her. She squirmed a bit but had yet to fully wake up. "C'mon Jay, everyone's going to be here soon you gotta wake up." I continued to rub her back. After a few minutes, she opened her emerald eyes and sat up blinking at me languidly.

"Mommy?" She questioned. My eyes widened and I stared at her in disbelief. She must've realised what she said because her eyes snapped open and immediately filled with tears. "I'm sorry! It was an accident I swear!" She said, scooting as far away from me as she could. I moved closer to her and tried to put my hand on her back to comfort her. She flinched away, and looked up at me with tear-stained cheeks. "I promise Ryan it was an accident! Please don't be mad I didn't mean it." She choked out. Her breathing was ragged and laboured. Afraid she was going to have a panic attack if I didn't do something, I was finally able to pull her into my arms. I played with her hair and rocked her back and forth. Her attempts to escape weren't exactly working since I was much stronger. I held her tight, doing my best to calm her until her breathing was back to normal and the tears had subsided.

"Jaymie, babe? Can you look at me please?" She shook her head, burrowing even further into my chest. I played with her hair some more, knowing it was something that calmed her tremendously. After a few minutes more of me playing with her hair and trying to get her to look at me, she sat up.

"Can we just pretend this never happened Ry?" She pleaded. I didn't want to let it go, I wanted to know what was bothering her so much lately.


"Please," she begged, voice cracking. I hesitated but nodded reluctantly.

"Fine, I'll go order lunch then. Everyone should be here soon." She gave me a grateful smile and hopped up to get ready I presume. I sighed before leaving the room to head to the kitchen and order food for all of our friends.

When I was half-way done with the phone call to order pizzas I heard the door open and loud voices get closer to the kitchen where I was located. I watched Bee, Avery, and Sadie walk into the room not caring that I was on the phone. Avery and Bee were always the loudest, where Sadie usually just observed everything that went on. I tried my best to shush them, but all I got was a chuckle from Sadie at my failed attempts. I finally finished the order. I ended up getting 4 pizzas for 5 people because god knows Bee can eat. It was quite amazing to be honest. They never seemed to get full, and they also never seemed to gain weight. They must have magical powers.

"You guys are loud," I chuckled when I set down my phone.

"Sorry" Avery apologised, but he really didn't seem sorry at all. I rolled my eyes at him with a smile.

"Pizza will be here soon" I informed everyone, grabbing a beer from the fridge and popping the lid off.

"Pizza!?" I heard the giddy voice of Jaymie call as her footsteps bounded down the stairs at remarkable speed. I laughed at her childishness. She seemed to have completely forgotten about what happened a mere 15 minutes ago.


Once the pizza finally arrived, we all sat around the telly getting ready to put on a film. "What do y'all want to watch?" Sadie questioned.

"Oooh let's watch that new horror film that just came out!" Avery suggested. Sadie and Bee immediately agreed. I honestly didn't care what we watched, but I knew that Jaymie wasn't too fond of scary things. She thought Ghostbusters was too scary.

"H-horror?" She whispered.

"Uh yeah? What? Are you scared?" Avery snorted. He wasn't always the most sympathetic, but we loved him anyways.

"Of, of course not." She tried to play it off, but I knew that she was terrified. I was worried about her, but to be honest I had been wanting to see the film as well. I just hoped that she'd be okay.


It ended up being really good. It wasn't too frightening, but that was just for me. Jaymie was shaking the whole time. When the film finally ended, she stilled. Everyone went home and she was still in the same spot. She kept her eyes trained to the floor, and I was getting kind of worried, so I tapped her shoulder startling her. She looked up at me. Her bottom lip trembled and tears filled her eyes. They were red as if she had already been crying and it made the green in them pop even more. I saw her squirming a bit and noticed there was a strange smell in the air. I realised that she must've had an accident. I immediately felt terrible that she had been forced to watch the film.

"JJ, baby? Did you have an accident?" I asked gently, trying my best to not upset her. She winced a bit in embarrassment but nodded shamefully.

'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," she whispered as tears cascaded down her cheeks. I wiped the tears and pulled her close to me, not caring about the wetness. I held her chin and made her look me in the eye.

"Hey, hey. Don't apologise. It's okay, accidents happen, love. I promise."

"Not to 22 year old adults," she grumbled with a pout. If she wasn't so distressed I'd probably think it was absolutely adorable and tease her a bit, but I figured that wouldn't be the best option in this situation.

"Accidents happen," I repeated. "Don't be upset, please. Let's just get you cleaned up. You go hop in the shower and I'll put your clothes in the wash. I guess something in what I said didn't sit right with her because she glared at me and stood up quickly.

"I'm not a fucking baby! You don't have to take care of me. I'm a full grown fucking adult!" She expressed angrily and stomped off to her room. I sighed. I had only been trying to help. I'm sure she was embarrassed, but why did she get so mad so quickly? I know she's an adult, but that doesn't mean I can't help her if she needs it right? She's been acting so strange the last few weeks, and I just wanted to know why. I wanted her to talk to me. I decided to leave it for now and clean the couch before anything could soak in. I can ask her about it another day, but I guess for now I'll do some research to see if there is anything I can do to help her. 

A/N: Here's chapter one! I hope you all like it! I'm not going to commit to a specific time of how often I will update because things always get in the way and it will drive me crazy if I don't stick to it hahaha but I hope you enjoy!! xx

Question of the day! What's your favourite colour? Mine is  yellow or veridian!

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