Outlaws of Love [Larry Stylinson One Shot]

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Yeah. So the Haylor kiss and all in New Years upset me a little :/ But I didn't send any hate to Harry or Taylor. I just think its just for publicity stunt. Its so obvious. By the looks of the pictures in New York, Harry doesn't look so happy after the kiss. OKAY. So after New Years ended, I had a dream about this whole thing. Basically about Larry. And when I gotten to the end and woke up. I cried. I cried so hard. I felt every bitter of what Louis and Harry has been feeling. I felt their pain, their anger, their sadness. It was so painful that it hurts so much. Well, so here it is. Many of you saw my post on instagram as bowtie_blue_ about it. I cried really hard. I was very emotional when that dream or somehow nightmare ended. So here's the story of the dream. I wanted to type it done and see what the Larry shippers think of it. Please don't comment any HATE. I respect Taylor Swift and Eleanor Calder. But if you look at Louis and Harry in their previous years, they look so happy together. Now look at them, they barely don't even talk to each other and fool around like they use too. *Sigh* Sooo hope you guys enjoy and grab some issue boxes in case you need it! xx

It was almost the end of 2012, and Louis Tomlinson wasn't exactly having a good time in his party. Eleanor, Liam, and Danielle, and other bunch of old friends were there. Zayn and Perrie left to their own New Year party. Especially Niall. Except one. Louis sat on a table next to the couples. His blue eyes staring at his wine blankly. His finger twirled around the glass, his mind deeply into the thoughts of the curly haired boy that he'd been about 3 years since the day he met in the X-Factor UK. Fuck the manager, Louis thought. Bangs under his eyes from too much work and shitty drama. He regretted calling Taylor a 'Lovely and Beautiful.' A very lovely girl, indeed. But her heart always have been rude to each band member ever since Harry and Taylor met at the zoo. To make things worse, their management and hers decided to put them together as publicity stunt to shove all the Larry dramas out of the way. Same with Elounor.

''Mate? Something wrong?'' Liam's voice asked. Brown eyes staring at him.

Louis didn't bother looking at him. Eyes focus on the red wine. Nodding his head in silence. Liam and Danielle looked at each other and knew immediately what his thoughts have been thinking the whole entire hour. ''Lou, why don't you call Harry and see what he's doing in New York? Maybe he'd appericate it if he heard your voice.''

Louis shook his head, mumbling quietly with his eyes staring through the wine in the table. ''I did.. many times before you guys came. He didn't answer.''

''Maybe he was just busy. You know, ever since being famous every one of you always been busy with each other,'' Danielle says. ''Mhm, maybe he was, Lou. Call him back later. After the party,'' Liam agreed with a nod.

Louis shook his head again, mumbling his words quietly, ''Yeah.. busy with Taylor..''

Liam frowned. He never seen Louis this miserable before. A smile no longer appearing his face. Only a frown and a hopeless broken heart. Liam hated seeing Louis so sad. It just.. wasn't like him to be.

''Go on with Eleanor. Maybe that'll help get your mind off him for a while. Or, let's go pop some fireworks, alright mate?'' Liam asked again. Going for the friendly smile. Danielle nodded in agreement and stood from her chair, ''I'll go with El. I'll see what she's doing.'' She gave Liam a quick kiss on the lip then smiled. Walking off to another direction. Her boyfriend blushed then smiled. Turning to face Louis then gently grab his right arm to help him up. ''Come on, Lou. We don't have all day. Only 1 hour until 2013. Let's go have some fun.''

Louis sanked into his seat, blue eyes staring up at Liam. Showing no humor or happiness like it would always be. Shaking his head again, then takes his arm away. Gulping down his tenth glass of red wine. ''Please Louis. Forget about everything. Okay? Everything. I want you happy.''

Outlaws of Love [Larry Stylinson One Shot]Where stories live. Discover now