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so one time i decided to promote myself in english roleplayer and there's this guy that decided to hit me up, his name is sadewa or you can call him dewa (it's aikal's prev btw) he asked me to be his friend, then we became more close when he moved account. we chat every day until i started to have a crush on him HAHAHA. i wanna confess dulu tp minder, takut dia udh ada yg punya KEKEKEKEKEKE, jd ku tunggu aja sampe dia confess duluan. pas dia nanya "mau pacaran apa still friend?" GUE TUH KYK GMN YA, SENENG BGT:((. oh iya lemme describe him a bit
he has a unique personality, he's so adorable, cute, funny. i love it when he calms me down whenever i'm having a panic attack, he has an addictive smile *even tho idk him irl* i love him sooo much, he's the only boy that make me feel very loved:( eventho sometimes he's weird asf, i still love him very much

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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