Chapter one

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People say age does matter. That you have to date a person your age. That's how society treats people today. If you date someone older, that you'll get judge.

You know what I say to that? That's a bunch of shit.

Age doesn't defy who you are. You might be twenty and act like you are twelve. You could be twelve and act like you are twenty.

It's not age, it's your mind.

Someone who is eighteen could easily be in love with a twenty-eight year old. Just because you are ten years younger, doesn't mean you can't be in love.

Yes, wait until you are old enough, like an adult.

My name is Lily. I'm fifteen years old. I have long brown hair and gray eyes.

My parents are divorced. I live with my mom, but she's always on business trips. She comes home twice a year.

I don't have the house to myself though.

My older brother, Alec lives with me. He is the father figure to me, yet still an older brother.

He takes care of me when I'm sick, if I need help with something, he'll help me. He has blonde hair and green eyes.

Even though it's just us, he usually has his best friend, Blaze over.

His best friend happens to be my crush that I've had since I was in fifth grade. They are three years older than me.

Do I think age matter? Hell no.

Blaze is like a god from Olympus. His brown hair is always messy but perfect and has the lightest brown eyes I've ever seen.

Sadly, Blaze only thinks of me as a younger sister. I've never asked him anything, like if he likes me. He just never flirts.

This crush isn't going away. I've tried not to like him. Once I would convince myself that he isn't perfect, he isn't for me, he would come into my house and I would break.

My heart races every time I see him. When he talk, I loose my mind, but I have to pretend that it's nothing.

My parents got divorced when I was thirteen. They would fight all the time.

Sometimes when Alec and I were little, I would get scared when they would start screaming at each other.

Me being ten and he being thirteen, he would 'protect' me. We would hide in his room. His arms around me as I take in the comfort.

Alec has always been there for me and Blaze has been too.

I pray every night that maybe Blaze will like me back.


"Lily! Get up you don't want to be late on the last day of school!" My brother, Alec yells up to me.

"Alright!" I scream as then groan as I get out of my fluffy blankets.

I walk over to my walk in closet.

Grabbing white shorts and a black v-neck, I walk out of the closet.

The bathrooms window lets the sun's light flow in. I look outside at the beautiful grass and flowers.

Sighing, I get ready.

My hair gets curled, my face gets make-up, and my heart aches.

I'm thankful for everything, but I would trade it all just to be my brothers best friend, Blaze's, girlfriend. For him to like me would be a miracle.

You know that saying 'dress to impress?' well that's what I've been doing for the past years.

After making numerous checks in the mirror, I go downstairs.

The kitchen is filled with smells of bacon. My mouth starts to water.

I have to keep my weight down.

"Hi big bro," I say and kiss him on the cheek.

I walk over to the fridge but Blaze stops me. Blaze basically lives in this household.

"I don't get a kiss?" He says and pouts.

I role my eyes but my mind is exploding.

Alec gets the spatula and hits Blaze in the back of the head.

"Hey! What was that for!" He whines and rubs the back of his head.

Alec doesn't answer.

Blaze just winks at me.

My heart skips a beat.

"I'm taking Lilybug to school," Blaze announces.

That's my nickname, Lilybug.

Alec mumbles something. He always does that.

I grab my backpack and put on silver sandals.

Then I walk out to Blaze's truck.

A little while later, he comes into the truck and starts the engine.

"Do you want to go to a party tonight with me and your brother?" He asked me has he pulls out of the driveway.

"Sure," I reply.

"You'll be sixteen tomorrow. Are you excited?" He asked me.

"I guess. I'm not looking forward to see mom," I reply.

My mom is always on trips. The only time she comes to visit, is Alec's and my birthday. She doesn't even stay the whole day! She'll stay for the party, and then leave in the middle of it. No goodbyes, no I love yous, she jsut leaves.

"I know but it's only for a couple hours," He explains and takes my hand.

I freeze.

Why is he doing this?

Luckily we made it to the school.

"I'll pick you up after school. Have a good day Lilybug," Blaze says with a million dollar grin.

I smile back, not able to speak.

I get out of the car and head to hell.

Authors notes.

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