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"Clark, you know what we came here to do. What needs to be done, it's the right thing." A whispering voice, says sympathetically.

"Yes, Clara, I know what the prophecy says. But we don't even know if it's really her so... try it again." Another voice, who I'm assuming to be Clark, says back sounding defeated. However, it's almost as if he wasn't trying to whisper back like he wanted me to hear him.

The next thing I know, I have this massive headache, my ears are ringing, and it feels like I'm going up into the mountains for the fifth time this month. Well, two of the times I actually was in the mountains. I don't dare look out my window, scared of what I'll see. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if they were demons with glowing red eyes. The headache starts to diminish but my ears still ring.

"She's fighting me." The girl, Clara, whisper yells to Clark in a strained voice. Honestly, I don't even think they're trying to be stealthy anymore.

"Well, fight back, we need to know if it's actually her," Clark says at regular volume now.

When the headache slightly returns, I rub my temples, attempting to ease the pain. Nothing seems to be helping though. Then I hear the most deafening scream that I've ever heard and probably ever will hear in my life. My head pounds and my ears ring as if a bomb has just exploded in front of me.

Then, all at once, it's gone, the pain, the ringing in my ears, and the voices of Clara and Clark. Leaving me to wonder what this prophecy is, what they're here to do, and here's the big one, why I can't remember some pieces of what they said.

Right after, my dad comes running in. Robe tied messily around his waist and sleep still in his eyes.

"Rasha, was that you screaming?" He asks, looking confused but not quite concerned.

"No, I think it was outside," I say, rubbing the remains of the headache away.

He snaps and glowing magic flourishes from his hands as it scans the window side of my room.

"Strange." He pauses and with an unreadable face says, "There's nothing there. Try to get some more rest."

"Will do," I say back, unsure if he's keeping something from me.

Needless to say, I didn't get back to sleep that night. 

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