The Blue Cecilia || Xiao x Albedo (request by @AiStupid)

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Plot:  There was said to be rumored a blue Cecilia that grows in Dragonspine. Albedo who took intrest in the blue flower decided to go to Dragonspine. Xiao who thinks its dangerous to go there decided to follow the curious alchemist.




[Albedo's POV]

I heard from Sucrose that there was a blue Cecilia growing somewhere in Dragonspine, so I'm going to investigate. I invited Xiao to come with me but he said it was dangerous to go there. I get my coat from the wardrobe and went out. I make my way to Dragonspine.


[No one's POV] 

Albedo finally reached Dragonspine. The cold breeze of Dragonspine brushing through his face. He walked around, defeating some enemies. He didn't know that a certain green(?) headed man was following him from behind watching him making sure he's safe. "Where could it be eh?.." Albedo thought. Since its a rare flower, he thought it would be at the peak of Dragonspine so he decided to go there.

[Timeskip brought to you by my broken sleep schedule]

(Aight A/N moment, ik at the peak of dragonspine there are no mobs except for the ones that were in the quest but lets just pretend there is-)

[Still no one's POV]

Albedo finally reached the peak of Dragonspine. "I haven't been here in so long I forgot how cold it was up here..." He said. He walked around lighting up every torch so he wouldn't freeze. Suddenly, he ran into some Fatui Skrimiskers. He didn't have trouble fighting them but... their sheilds made it impossible to defeat them. Plus the cold from the peak and the Fatui's gun thing (yk the one that shoots snow or sumn) was freezing him and making him weak so he couldn't move or fight.

Xiao decided that he couldn't hide in the dark forever end decided to help Albedo fight the Fatui.

[Albedo's POV]

I couldn't see anything, my sight was a blur. All I saw was a shade of green running towards me and defeating the Fatui.. I blacked out after that.

[Xiao POV]

"Tch, these annoying Fatui..". I looked at Albedo and saw him passed out on the snow. I carried him in my arms going to his cabin because its close by. "I told him.. it would be dangerous but he was stubborn." He said. He ran as fast as he could to Albedo's cabin.

[No one's POV]

Albedo finally woke up from his nap and he saw a certain green headed guy making tea. "Xiao..?" He said. Xiao turned his head to Albedo, "Hm.?". " Did you bring.. me here?" The alchemist said. "Who else if it wasn't me?" The Adeptus replied, putting the hot tea down on the table beside Albedo's bed. "Drink it, it will make you a bit more warm.." Xiao said. Albedo drank the tea and stood up. Xiao was confused and flustered as Albedo gave a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you." Albedo said. The flustered Adeptus only replied with a "Hm.."

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