Debunking #1: Reality shifting

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Well. I must say that reality shifting is definitely one of my pet peeves just because of how absurd it is, in terms of multiple perspectives. To whoever reads this who believes in reality shifting, please note that the following rant is my opinion- you are free to think whatever you want, but please note that I will not mince my words whatsoever. To me, the very concept of it is so absurd I'm surprised it's even a trend in the first place.

To that one person who hasn't heard of reality shifting, allow me to explain it in the shortest of ways: you create a script, which basically cements an entire universe's existence through a theory known popularly as Schrodinger's cat, and then you let your consciousness travel to it and take over you in another universe, while leaving behind a mental alter to do your duties while you go and have fun in whatever universe you're in. This is the basic premise of it, and here I will give my opinion on it: IT SUCKS.

Reason #1: Schrodinger's cat is being used incorrectly

Please allow me, if you will, to first investigate Schrodinger's cat. Since it's a proven theory for quantum physics, it could surely be the explanation for a multiverse, correct?

Wrong. Schrodinger's cat only - ONLY - accounts for elementary particles on the smallest of levels, such as electrons and quarks. Schrodinger's cat is being used incorrectly here because the theory is about observing said elementary particles through photons hitting them. Let me provide an example:

Suppose that you replace the cat with a single qubit - a byte of data that can be simultaneously one and zero at the same time. While it is unobserved - which this case means that it has not been passed through a filter and therefore has two separate wavelengths - the qubit is simultaneously a data bit of one and zero at the same time because of superposition. However, once you observe the qubit by letting the qubit pass through a filter, it either becomes a 'one' or a 'zero'.

Other examples are electrons, surprisingly. Because they're so small, they move really, really fast; so fast in fact that there's an entire principle about them (The Uncertainty Principle). However, since they're so small and fast they can follow the Schrodinger's Cat law - they're either there or they're not.

What's not an example of Schrodinger's cat theory, however, is the concept of the multiverse. Again, Schrodinger's law isn't even a part of any scientific theory. According to, "Schrodinger's Cat was simply a teaching tool that Schrodinger used to illustrate how some people were misinterpreting quantum theory. Schrodinger constructed his imaginary experiment with the cat to demonstrate that simple misinterpretations of quantum theory can lead to absurd results which do not match the real world."


Reason #2: Just going to another universe with your consciousness breaks multiple laws of physics, quantum or otherwise

To put it shortly, currently, we have no possible way of leaving our solar system en masse, let alone an entire universe. Now, I can hear some people say that the universe is infinite and multiple possibilities can happen within the same universe. To that I say... we don't know yet, but most likely not.

Alright, let me put it like this: suppose, if you will, that the Star Wars universe exists in a separate place than us, while in the same universe. Badda Bing, Badda Boom, suddenly you've got a Star Wars galaxy. Normally enough, that wouldn't be cause for concern. However, let's say that you made it so that Earth - this Earth, right now - was in the Star Wars galaxy.

You can see the problem here. Theoretically speaking, if all supposed rules according to an 'infinite universe' are true regarding reality shifting, right this second the Death Star would show up through hyperspace and blow us up (and seeing the state of Earth right now, I'd say good riddance).

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