Sleepy bird

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Keigo spent most of the next day in bed. Touya didn't try to make him get up, or force him to clean the apartment, or do anything that required him to move. He knew Keigo needed a break. That meant Magne and Tomura took care of Aphenos during the day, when the club was closed, and Touya took care of Keigo. He'd let Keigo turn the bed into a giant nest of blankets and pillows, and he'd make sure the bird had everything he needed. He'd make sure the glass of water by his head was full, make sure he ate when lunch came, and make sure he was tucked under a blanket or two. He'd make sure Keigo was as comfortable as possible, and if he could get the blond in the right mood, he'd fuck him to make him feel better.

"It's lunchtime, Keigo. Time to wake up." Touya gently shook Keigo's shoulder, piling a few pillows up near the headboard. Keigo yawned, reaching up to stretch his back out. He felt better, but not where he needed to be. "What's you make?" He asked, voice deep with sleep as he rubbed his eye. "Chicken katsu.  Figured you'd like something familiar after last night." Touya grabbed a small piece with chopsticks, bringing it to Keigo's lips. Keigo gratefully accepted, chewing on the crunchy panko as flavor flooded his mouth. Touya made some of the best chicken katsu in the world. "Better?" Keigo nodded. Back when he had still been imprisoned, his captors had only fed him some sort of cereal, and maybe some meat scraps if he'd behaved. When it came to food like this, where there was effort put into it, it always made Keigo feel at home. He felt safe whenever he could eat food like this.

The chicken didn't last longer than five minutes. Touya had fed Keigo slowly, since he didn't trust the blond's hands just yet, although it didn't matter. Keigo was a black hole when it came to chicken. Chicken nuggets, tenders, grilled chicken, fried chicken - if it was chicken, he'd eat it. He also had a pretty good spice tolerance, which meant Touya could experiment and not be worried about burning Keigo's face off. "Feeling better now?" Touya asked, wiping a drop of sauce at the corner of Keigo's mouth away. Keigo nodded. "Much. Thank you, Touya." "It's no problem, Pretty Bird. Anything I can do to make you feel better?" "Cuddle with me? Please?" Touya smiled, setting the plate on the nightstand and laying down next to Keigo. "You're doing good, you know that? You just take your time. We'll be here when you're ready to get going again." Touya whispered, gently rubbing Keigo's back.

Touya slid his hand down, grinning as Keigo's breath hitched. "Horny." Keigo huffed, but spread his legs anyway. "I'm just trying to make my bride feel better. What kind of Lord would I be if I left my bride in his time of need. Front or back?" "Front. I just...I need a little more today." "That's okay, Pretty Bird. Just tell me what you want. I'm here to please you." Touya purred, flipping them over so that Keigo was on the bottom. Keigo sighed as his cock disappeared again, the familiar folds reappearing once more. "You can control that, you know." "It feels better when you do it. It helps me relax." Touya grinned, leaning his head down to suck a mark on Keigo's neck. Touya slid Keigo's boxers down, gently pressing on his clit. Keigo moaned, wrapping his hands around Touya's neck. "Such a pretty bird, all spread out like that. This is just for me, isn't it?" Touya grinned, slipping a finger inside of Keigo. "Yes, It's all yours. Please, Touya, please." "Begging already? Now who's the horny one?" "You're not the Incubus whose instincts go haywire every time you want to fuck me." "True, but I'm the one that makes your instincts go haywire."

Keigo's breath hitched as Touya bit into his neck, letting his head tip back against the pillow. Touya was skilled when it came to his fingers, and his mouth. "So pretty for me. You want to feel good? Want me to make you feel good?" Keigo nodded. Touya's thin fingers slipped out of him, and he pressed the head of his cock into Keigo's willing hole. Keigo whimpered, but laid as still as possible. Touya had chosen to increase his size. Touya could control his appearance, like any demon, but as a Sin, he could surpass the limits. Most demons could only create an illusion to make them look different. Touya could truly make himself look different. That also meant he could change his body proportions. "You said you wanted more. I'm going to give you more." Touya grinned, slowly feeding the rest of his cock into Keigo's greedy folds. Keigo groaned as he tried to adjust, wrapping his arms around Touya tightly. "That's it. Take all of it. Be the good boy I know you are and take it all!"

Touya didn't give Keigo much time after that. He grabbed the blond's thighs and slung his legs over his shoulder. pounding into the tight heat as Keigo moaned and cried out. He could tell from the way Keigo was holding onto him that this was what he needed. He needed that reassurance from Touya he couldn't get anywhere else. Being able to take Touya, no matter his size, was a giant confidence booster for Keigo. "You like that, don't you? You like being forced to take my cock. Makes you feel like a big boy." Touya chuckled, leaning down to suck a mark behind Keigo's ear. "Just for you." Keigo huffed, letting himself relax into Touya's body. Touya was the only one who could soothe his pain. He was the only demon who could touch him like this. He was the only one who could make Keigo feel like he was on top of the world.

Keigo cried out as he came, squirting against Touya's stomach. "That's it. Come on, show me how much you loved this." Touya grinned, moving faster inside the blond as he chased his own pleasure. Keigo could barely babble anything out, other than yesyesyes, and I love you. His feathers were quivering around in the nest, ruffling blankets and overturning pillows. Touya knew Keigo was feeling good if his feathers started shaking. It meant he was getting lots of pleasure, and his mind was trying to do something with all of it. Touya growled as he was pushed over the edge, biting into Keigo's shoulder as he spilled inside of the smaller. Keigo was almost completely covered by Touya's body as he lay panting underneath the Sin, fingers twitching every few seconds.

Touya pulled out of Keigo's cunt, changing it back to keep his cum inside. "How was that? Did it make you feel better?" Touya asked, pressing a kiss to Keigo's sweaty forehead. "It felt good. Yeah, it did make me feel better. Think you can help me to the shower? M' kinda dirty." Touya chuckled, snuggling into Keigo's chest. "We could do that, or I could fuck you some more. We could use the toys again, since Aphenos is with Magne and Tomura." "Sounds great." "Good. Better prepare yourself, love. I'm not stopping until I want to."

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