The royal visit

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"Kai, oh my goodness. Why didn't you ever tell me about your past?" Skylor asked with sympathy as the brunette paced back and forth, sat down, got up again and started pacing once more. "I hate it when people worry about me." He mumbled silently to where the princess could not understand. "I'm sorry?" Skylor asked misunderstanding.

"I hate it when people worry about me." Kai said louder with frustration boiling. "All my life I've been hurt by my past masters and after one night, I knew I would never get anywhere near success if I let people think of me as a burden. So that night, I packed up being a filthy weakling and found a new me that I never knew I had." Kai explained with speckles of tears popping up inside his now glassy eyes.

"I was 5." He added with a slight crack to his voice.

"Kai I — I'm so sorry." Skylor comforted the brunette by getting up and sitting next to him on the leaf chair beside hers. "I hate feeling weak Sky. It's so hard when my only sister goes off to be with her love and I'm left here to fend for myself. I'm glad she's happy but I just want my baby sister back." Kai cracked and looked up at the ceiling to avoid any dripping tears.

Not knowing what to say in this situation, all Skylor could offer to Kai was her affection. Rubbing circles on his back, Skylor pulled him into a hug and kept whispering, "it'll be alright," Repeatedly.

Kai's eyes suddenly widened in horror as he jumped away from Skylor as if she were a ghost. "Kai what —" Kai interrupted her comment however with his own. "Skylor, I can't be with you. If your dad or anyone else knew I was hanging out with you, we'll both be done for." Kai realized shakily. Skylor blinked before realizing as well.

"Well I don't care what they think. We can run away from all this mess. Me and you. We can get away to where no one will ever find us and have a family an—"

"Sky. You still have a Royal duty to uphold while my friends still need me as well." Kai explained grievingly. It wasn't true though. Kai knew his friends and sister could do just fine without him. He was just attempting to lower Skylor's worries for him. "I don't care about my stupid duties. I don't care about what my father thinks. I want to be with you and only you!" Skylor cried out with anger laced venomously in each word.

"We both know what expectations you and I have to hold in order to be together Sky. I'm sorry, but you have to get someone who everyone approves of." Kai explained with pure pain ripping at his heart. Hot tears formed at the corner of his eyes while an excruciating lump formed inside his throat. "I'm sorry." He added, his voice cracking when he spoke.

Skylor bit her lip and looked at the brunette with a sympathetic expression. Tears forming inside her own eyes. "Please. At least come to the ball in two weeks—"
"Princess! Princess Skylor!" A voice was heard from the outside along with many others.
Skylor and Kai glanced at the entryway then back at each other. Fear evident in both their eyes.

"You — you should probably go." Kai choked out, not wanting to cry in front of her.

"Thank you," Skylor said quietly. "For this." She added then started to make her way to the exit. Kai was hesitant at first but made up his mind. "Skylor!" He called out just before she stepped out of the cavern. The brunette made his way over to where the red head was waiting questionably.

He laid his hands on her waist gently and Skylor took a hint, taking her arms and laying them around his neck. The two both felt unsure about who should go in for it first so they both leaned in slowly but passionately. Their foreheads touched first, then their noses, and they tilted their heads partly sideways so they could make contact and then—

"PRINCESS SKYLOR!" The voices were heard much closer now. The two broke apart and glanced at the other with pure sadness that they weren't able to do it yet. "Well, I uh. . . I have to go." Skylor said while lifting two corners of her dress and hurrying out of the cave.

Kai exhaled in defeat. He sat down on the leaf chair and let the incoming tears release as he grieved.

That evening

"Skylor, I would now like to introduce you, to the prince of the sapphire kingdom, Shade wang." The royal butler announced before letting in a finely dressed prince. He wore a simple tux with his hair slicked back in a way that showed the use of too much gel. He held his hands behind his back and winked at Skylor who only scoffed in response.

Skylor on the other hand was dressed in a simple sunset orange ball gown.
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"Well, well, well. Who's the hot angel in the room?" Shade asked in his low raspy voice only earning another scoff from Skylor, whom was trying to avoid eye contact. Shade knelt down on one knee and kissed Skylor's hand only to be rewarded with yet another scoff.

"Princess Skylor of Ninjago." Butler Matthew described to shade who licked his lips and continued to stare Skylor down.

"Yeah I can work with this." Shade commented while moving his hand up and down Skylor's arm, pressing her breasts against his. "Okay! How about some dinner? Shall we?" Chen interrupted while clapping his hands twice for the royal table to be set.

Skylor mouthed a silent 'thank you' to her father and walked herself to the balcony. "So princess. Any hobbies?" Shade asked before plopping a grape in his mouth. "No not really, just princess work." Skylor replied plainly. Kai was really the only one she trusted with this kind of thing but shade on the other hand. He didn't seem right.

"Okay, um. Have you had s—"

"Uh, you know what? I think it's time for dinner! Let me go see." Skylor excused herself quickly from that conversation and exhaled while sinking into the wall.


The brunette plopped himself down on the couch inside of the old blacksmith shop and exhaled sharply. He didn't want to give Skylor up to the next fortunate soul who came across her, but at the same time, he knew it was best for the both of them. Skylor needed a prince to carry on the throne. Not a simple blacksmith from the village who couldn't even afford to feed himself daily.

Kai was able to glance out the window and get his usual view of the beautiful palace at night. The lights from inside shone brightly, making it easy to see shadows of anyone who walked pass it. Subconsciously, Kai's hand traveled to his hip where the now tissued wound was and let it stay there. Why had he told her that? Now she was going to believe that he truly thought a prince was her true fit.

Of course in his heart, he wanted them to be together but with all the princes in the kingdom and her stunning beauty, he didn't stand a chance. Kai sighed in exhaustion and tried his best to find sleep. With his head rested on the ledge and his right arm laying beside it. Kai caught one more glimpse of the palace lights before sleep overtook him.


"Oh c'mon, just one little kissywissy?" Shade begged with a childish pouty face. Skylor shoved his face away from hers and tried to escape the awkward situation only to find the door locked. "Shade, let me out." Skylor ordered warningly but backing out slowly as Shade moved forward at the same slow pace.

"No can do princess," Shade replied while still moving forward in his low raspy voice, a devilish smirk creeping up slyly on his face. "You see, I'm not one of those fancy princes from a fancy kingdom. No, I'm not looking for a bride. . . I'm looking for a captive." He said while slowly pulling out a bag from behind him.

"Shade. . ." Skylor croaked in fear as the movement of her going backwards stopped signing that she had hit the door. "Nightynight princess." And all Skylor saw was black as the sack was pulled over her head.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2021 ⏰

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