Chapter 10

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Bucky's POV 

I rolled over as the sun started to creep into the room through a small gap in the curtains. Reaching out over the left side of the bed, I felt slightly confused to find it empty. The sheets were still warm which meant she couldn't have been gone long, but Y/n had a habit of doing this which I hated. Last night the four of us had settled down with a few beers and take out to watch some movies. It was an attempt to calm Y/n down and it seemed to work for a while since she fell asleep half way through Rocky II. 

Once the movie finished I slipped an arm under her knees and wrapped my metal arm around her back, to carry her to bed. Sam flashed me a mischievous smile which led to Steve throwing a cushion at him. 

That night Y/n woke up five times. Her heartbeat was racing, her cheeks were streaked with tears and she was shaking in fear. Each time it happened I felt guilty, there was nothing I could do to help her. After all the times she had comforted me after a nightmare, or brought me back from a relapse, always knowing the right thing to say,  all I could do was hold her close and try to remind her of who she was. At one point her mind started to play tricks on her. Her eyes would dart around the room as if she was looking for someone before she would ask if I could hear music. After a few moments she would shake her head and dismiss it. 

I looked over at the alarm clock on the bedside table that read 7:15 and decided to get up. As I pulled a black t-shirt from a draw I noticed a note left on top of the dresser. On the front was a deep red lipstick mark so I turned it over to see Y/n's cursive handwriting.  

'Sorry I had to leave. I'm heading over to the gym before I need to head back and deal with things. I didn't want to wake you since you didn't get much sleep last night. 

See you soon serg. xx' 

I folded the note and pushed it into the back pocket of my jeans, deciding to get some breakfast before attempting to catch her before she left the gym. 


Your POV 

Surprisingly the gym was mostly empty apart from three men lifting weights. I made my way past them, noticing a decorative R tattoo on each of them. One had it on his wrist, one on his bicep and the other on his neck nestled amongst various other designs. Their eyes followed my as I went into the dance studio at the back, desperately trying to suppress a grin. 

I looked around the dance studio, it wasn't massive and it certainly wasn't as classical as I was used to but it was good enough. Floor to ceiling mirrors lined the wall opposite the doors with speakers on the adjacent walls.  I connected my phone to the speakers and selected a random playlist. As soon as I turned around I saw the man with the tattoo on his bicep blocking the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest. Aww he thinks he's intimidating. I pretend not to notice and start stretching.  

You hit me once
I hit you back
You gave a kick
I gave a slap
You smashed a plate over my head
Then I set fire to our bed

Moments later the other two men were already edging into the studio. The wrist tattoo had a small handgun that he held close to his thigh, the bicep guy had pulled two knives from his boots while the other was simply cracking his knuckles. "Miss, you're to come with us now." Poor things had no idea what they were getting themselves into. 

A kick to the teeth is good for some
A kiss with a fist is better then none

As the first chorus finished I spun around, with my back to the mirror, and threw my hand up in the direct of the middle man's neck. Before his knife could make contact with my skin he was thrown back against the wall by my powers, colliding with a loud bang. 

The gun was quickly raised to my head but that didn't change the fact that his hands were shaking. First thing about going into a fight - never show you are afraid

I broke your jaw once before
I spilled your blood upon the floor
You broke my leg in return
So sit back and watch the bed burn

I landed a hard kick in the centre of his chest which made him fall back and the gun slide out of his grasp. The last man standing made eye contact with me, quickly realising it would take a lot more than just his fists to win this fight. The lunged for the gun but I made it fly across the room, out of his reach. He then resorted to desperate measures and hurtled towards me full force. Blue energy from my hands tangled around his neck and pinned him against the mirror causing a few cracks. "Give up yet?" 

Love sticks
Sweat drips
Break the lock if it don't fit

"Never." One of the other men men jumped onto my back, wrapping their arm around my neck. I clawed at his skin and gasped for air trying to get free. "Give up yet?"  The man in front of me mimicked, rubbing his own neck. I chuckled slightly before abruptly leaning forward flipping the the man behind me onto his back.

Several kicks and punches were both given and received, the odd cut or bruise marking my body. One of the men had left to keep an eye out which roughly translated to he collided with the ballet rail a bit too hard. 

A loud bang from outside echoed through the room and caught my attention. In a split second one of the men had my hands pinned behind my back and the other stood before me with a throbbing black eye. "We wont ask again." 

A kiss with a fist is better then none

I paused for a moment pretending to catch my breath and then it hit me. These men don't know who I am. "Of course it was him." I mumbled 

"What did you say?" 

"I have a message for your boss. Come and get me yourself, coward!"

You gave a kick
I gave a slap

The grip on my wrists suddenly loosened and I heard the distinctive sound of metal colliding with bone creating a loud crack. "This is not your fight. Now, back down. We got here first." Of course they know who he is. Unbelievable.  

"That's not going to happen. She is wanted by some very important people." 

"Yes, and we will take her to the." The last man said, trying to bargain. 

"I don't think you will." 

The man before me flew at Bucky but his body language showed a slight bit of hesitation adding to his obvious fear. I quickly clenched my fist and then released it sending the man flying into the mirror, shattering it around him. 

Then I set fire to our bed

"I could have sworn there were three." I said grabbing my phone.

"The one outside seemed to have a few broken ribs. I can't imagine how he got them." A smile spread across my face and I planted a kiss on  his cheek. 

"Apparently these are my best men. Evidently I need to improve the training." 

"They're what? Y/n!" 

"Anyway, I didn't need your help. I could handle them." 

"Well sorry. I just came to find my girlfriend since she wasn't there when I woke up." He raised an eyebrow at me and I responded with an innocent smile. "You ok?" 

I nodded and he kissed my forehead, placing his normal hand on my cheek. "I think someone wants to talk."

A/N I am so sorry that I haven't edited this in nearly a year! I really didn't realise it had been that long but I have a lot of free time now so I will try to keep updating this but I am working on two other stories as well so I don't want to make any promises about how often I will update. Thank you to everyone that has stuck with it <3

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