Chapter 2:Supplies

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  • Dedicated to J.K.Rowling

Rose grabbed some floo powder first and through it into the fire. It turned green and she stepped in saying "diagon alley!" She disappeared and the fire turned back to normal. Mum nudged me and I grabbed some floo powder. I threw it into the fire. "Diagon alley!" I said stepping into the fire. I was immedetly spinning, and was pushed out of the fireplace in flourish and blotts.

"Hi Rose!" I said as I brushed my self off. Rose opened her mouth to answer me as soon as Hugo fell out of the fireplace. He stood up and brushed her self as Mum walked through the fire. I never understood that. We always fell out, but Mum and Dad always walked right through like there was a secret passage way.

"Ok. First stop Madam Malkin's!" Mum said as she ushered us outside. She led us torwards the shop and we followed her inside. A woman, who I assumed is Madam Malkin pushed up two stools up to two mirrors.

"Who wants to go first?" She asked us. Me and Rose stepped forwards onto the stools and Madam Malkin started measuring us. She measure both of us and went into the back. When she came out she was holding two robes, one for each of us. Hugo then stepped up onto one of the stools and she measured him too. When we all had our robes Mum pushed us outside and she said,"Next we go to florish and blotts."

We followed her to flourish and blotts and we took out our lists.

"We need Fantastic Beasts and where to find them, Hogwarts a history and a 1st year potion book called Potions for dummies?!" I said confused and mad. "We are not dummies!"

"Honey, of corse not! But if you need that as an adult, well it's not good." Mum said and I calmed down a little bit. When we had bought our books Mum led us to Olivanders.

"Head in girls! I need to talk to your brother." Mum said as she pulled the door open. We entered as an old man came up to the front.

"First years, huh? Well you've come to the right place!" He said slowly. "Who is going first?"

I stepped forward and he went to the book shelve covering the walls. Then I realized that they were filled with boxes, not books!

"Try this." He told me. I grabbed the wand from the box and waved it. A vase imploded next to me.

"Not the right one." He said calmly and went to get another box. He came back with another box. I grabbed that wand and waved it. I could smell flowers.

"There you go. 5 galleons please!" He said and I handed him the money. I walked over to a chair and Rose stepped forward. The man went back in to the back and came back with another box. Rose grabbed it and a light flashed.

"5 galleons please." He surprised us both. Rose handed him the money and we left together. My wand was mahogany, 11 inches, and slightly springy. Rose's was yew, 9 inches, and really stiff. We met up with Mum and Hugo at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor.

She surprised when she said"Hugo's not going." We bothed jumped back

"What!" me and Rose screamed together.

She said simply," he doesn't want to." And then,"Go get you're selves some ice cream girls."

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