sledge hammer

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BOTH ITADORI AND Y/N STOOD ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE FOOTBALL FIELD, facing each other in preparation for battle

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BOTH ITADORI AND Y/N STOOD ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE FOOTBALL FIELD, facing each other in preparation for battle. Itadori surveyed his opponent, his eyes slowly moving from her feet to her face. She's looks tired...or bored?...Maybe I should go easy on her...

"May the battle...COMMENCE!!!" Gojo shouted, Inumaki blaring an air horn.

Maki plugged her ears, glaring at Inumaki. "Of course you're into this."

Though the fighting was deemed to begin, neither Itadori or y/n had taken a step.

"...They aren't moving." Nobara pouted, placing her elbows on her knees and setting her chin in her palms. "Laaame."

"They aren't hesitating." Panda spoke, Nobara, Megumi, Maki, and Inumaki turning to him. "They're weighing each outcome."

Megumi turned to y/n, whose eyes were quite literally bouncing around in her skull. Her pupils dancing around the field, to Itadori, to the track that surrounded the field, to the sky—

just everywhere.

Her eyes then suddenly landed on Itadori, her sudden glare making Itadori step back. Is she ready? He thought, bending his knees and bringing up his hands to his face.

"...I guess I'll go first." Y/n whispered, walking towards her opponent. Itadori did the same, the two fighters picking up their pace and sprinting to each other.

As they were about to collide, y/n noticed Itadori start to move his hand for a right hook punch. Too obvious.

Within the blink of an eye, y/n had disappeared, making him choke mid swing. Where did she—

He suddenly felt a sharp jab in his waist, as y/n had bend down, spun, and kicked him in the side.

"What the heck?!" Nobara shouted, her and the other students perking up in their seats. "She's so fast, I didn't even see her move!"

"Salmon!" Inumaki agreed.

Itadori flew across the field, tumbling onto the turf. He planted his feet in the ground as he landed, digging his nails into the ground to stop him from sliding. He panted for air, frantically looking around. "Wh...Where did she go..."

After regaining his focus, he sensed cursed energy from above. He quickly looked up to see y/n had jumped high into the air, doing a single front flip before bringing her right leg up and above her head, ready to kick his back into the ground.

Itadori jumped out of the way just in time, y/n launching her foot down just before she met with the field. Part of the track and grass shot up into the air like a geyser, as the wind from her kick was so powerful that it broke into the ground.

Itadori landed back towards the center of the field. She isn't even using her cursed technique yet...That's her brute strength!

Y/n didn't waste anytime. She charged to Itadori, running at a speed that he just barely reacted to. She punched and kicked at him, but luckily for him, he was able to dodge each one for long enough to strike back.

As an opening approached, Itadori threw a punch, aiming for y/n's face. She quickly bent backwards, watching as his fist flew above her head.

Itadori hitched. She reacts just as fast as me!

He looked down as y/n dodged his attack, her eyes glaring instantly at him as if she were offended that he actually fought back.

Y/n lifted her right leg, kicking her foot underneath Itadori's chin. She then straightened back out, watching as Itadori threw his hands over his face in pain.

Without giving him time to rest, she jumped and did a 360 in the air, triple kicking Itadori in the left side of his body; one kick in his thigh, one in his waist, and another in his head.

Itadori flew across the field, planting the balls of his feet into the ground to stop himself. He coughed up blood, his vision going blurry. She's fast...Her fighting style is like Todo; she waste no time attacking. But why am I hesitating so much? She hasn't even used a cursed technique yet!

Y/n slowly trudged to her opponent, her head swaying side to side as she took each step. "...I'm going to end this now." Itadori heard the girl speak, him looking up to see her lift her right arm horizontally to her body.

An enormous amount of cursed energy overtook Itadori, and everyone else. A weapon started to form by her palm, the red liquid swirling around each other and binding together. After a few seconds, the blood turned black, a large sledge hammer being created.

Y/n grabbed the handle of the hammer, running towards Itadori.

...I'm toast.

I'm toast

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