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The flowers in this field where amazing, the floral scent that hit his nose brought pure joy through his body as he turned and smiled at the mint haired man. Everything felt so real – but he knew it was fake. This was now the fourth time this had happened – the fourth dream he had where he was happy and on a trip with V. The first one was the desert trip – he remembers that one most of all because it seemed to start all these strange dreams. If Saeran tried hard enough he could still relive that dream like it was reality and this alone confused him because well – he didn't remember it ever happening in his real life. It felt to him like a memory he was reliving, a memory that never happened.

And now, in his fourth dream he was in a flower field. He held no camera this time – V was doing all the hard work, he appeared to be younger in this dream. He's not really sure how old he is but around early teens would be a good guess – and again he doesn't remember this happening in the real world. He remembers the real world this time, the cold walls, damp floor, the magenta coat and he remembers Rika. Since the first dream he has only bumped into her once and it was nothing like how he remembers her to be; the bright bubbly person from his dream was replaced with a cold shell of a person – it was clear she still felt emotions but she was supressing them to make sure they cant be seen to the outside world. Did she think the emotions made her weak? Probably, that's the only answer Saeran could come up with anyway. In all fairness the dream world felt safer to Saeran now he had meet the new Rika.

He doesn't remember what he was like before the first dream – however he could guess he wasn't a great person. The people in the cult he was staying at had a tendency to shy away from him as he walked past – he preferred the dream world. It was safe – It was just him and V. He doesn't know why he hates V outside the dream land and that in a way scares him, what would happen if they met up? He has no clue.

He let himself lie in the flower field and look up at the clouds, its his dream so of course the clouds are here. The form shapes of the flowers he had seen today while walking with V. Different flower shapes – all in there own way magical. As he lays he thinks of the other two dreams he had has – none of them since the first one had had Rika in – maybe he was scared of her now? Hes not sure, Saeyoung had only been in one other dream. He had been on a picnic with V, He wasn't sure exactually where they where but a waterfall was present behind them the whole time.

That dream was one of Saerans favourites because his brother was there – his brother. Oh even in the real world he misses him, he misses him a lot. He doesn't remember what happened to him – he doesn't remember anything that happened before the first dream; but oh god he misses his brother. In this dream they where together with V, picnics are a family event. An event where you pull out a blanket sit on it and just spend time together. No cameras where in this dream, just him v and Saeyoung. The laughter from this dream still echoes in his ear as he closes his eyes, he still smiles as he remembers jumping into a water fall with Saeyoung to his side – his red hair falling in front of his eyes and V stands to the side laughing. Towels on the ground ready to be used – laughter filling the air. A sweet dream, a sweet memory – but it wasn't a memory. Yet again saeran let himself be fooled, this was no memory it was an illusion his brain had made up, a cruel trick.

As of right now it was just him and V – how he wished Saeyoung would be here. Right now he felt so alive, so human – He felt more like saeran than he ever did in the real world with Rika. He wasn't wearing a mask, he wasn't walking on egg shells he was being himself and the feeling was so freeing in so many ways. Saeran was being saeran, a happy boy, a boy who loved flowers. The man in the mint eye wasn't saeran, he was a shell of who he is right now and he knew that – the love of flowers was still here but he walked around every day like a zombie, he had no joy in his life and this fact alone really hurt Saeran.

And all too soon? The dream was over and he was awake again – back in the chambers of the mint eye. The flowers that he was lay in gone replaced with the hard mattress he slept on every night – his arms covered yet again in a magenta coat – the only similarity was the floral smells that infected his nose in dream land and in real life. The happiness was gone – he wrote in his note pad about what had happened like he has done after every single one of these dreams but it wasn't enough, he craved the floral smells of the flowers, he needed his vision to be infected with colours that could easily overwhelm him.

The mint eye garden was probably the one place he felt fully alive – although he knew he had a weapon on him right now and everyone avoided him he felt alive. He felt at piece he felt like dreamland Saeran and this was enough, even if the happiness was to be short lived by the appearance of mint eyes.

Those familiar mint eyes that took over every dream, the mint eyes dreamland saeran loved ever so much but yet right now someone possessed him to take out his gun. The fear he felt, the gun in his hands? That was nothing compared to the mint eyes glaring into him. Just.. who was he? Never in his life had he been so confused – he loved V, but yet every urge his body had right now was telling him to shoot the man. Who was Saeran? Why was he like it?

Maybe this short lapse of confusion was all V needed, he had left Saeran once before – never was he doing it again. One day, not any day soon but one day – mint eye would be a thing of the past

Dreamland// Saeran ChoiWhere stories live. Discover now