Chapter 7- Hospital...

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4 months later...
*Scarlett's pov*

Its been 4 months that me and Carter haven't talked. I started to do cuts. I heard a knock on my door, i was startled,cuz i was doing cuts. I accidentally made the cut very deep. Blood started coming out. It was dripping off my arms. Until i blacked out. When i woke up it was 12:00 am. I'm in the hospital. I felt someone's head on my stomach. I looked at the person it was Carter. I was surprised. When he looked at me his eyeswere filled with joy. He hugges me tight and said.







I laughed. Hey wheres the guys and gals.? I asked very calmly. There sleeping in the waiting room. They are? I asked excited. Yea, he said laughing. Get out i need to change i said. He left. I put on my outfit *outfit in the picture*. I tried waking but i fell. I felt hands on me they were trying to pick me up. I turned around it was Cam... my eye widened. Get off of me!!! Carter i tried screaming.i heard Nash walk in. Sam and bethany became my siblings last month btw. Get your filthy ass hands off her he said with a death glare. They started fighting. Nash ending up in the hospital to get his

stiches. I smacked the fuck outta Cam and ran to Nash. I started crying hard ass fuck so did bethany.

(Hai guys sorry i haven't updated well,I've been lazy lately so today i decided to make a chapter i will make it longer just read read read read. Cya later my loves

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