The End

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When I wake I don't see anything but darkness around me and I start to panic. "Am I in hell?" I think to myself as I sit there unable to move. Then, I feel myself being lifted from the ground, and set down only a few yards away on a hard surface. That's when I realized my eyes where actually shut, even though I could've sworn I opened them moments ago.

Now, I officially open my eyes.

When I open them i am greeted with the blinding light of ones found in dentist offices. Ones that seem to shine right to the back of your eyes. I move my arm up to block it and slowly regain the ability to move my limbs again.

"Well, good morning, sunshine" a voice says.

I freeze in my spot, I forgot that something lifted me up when I was paralyzed. Unsure of what to do, I slowly look up to find a rather tall, skinny man in front of me.

"Not in the mood to talk? That's okay, usually people don't really like to talk. Unless you can't talk just yet. Some people kinda find it difficult to speak when they first get here. You know with the whole process of getting here and whatnot. Oh, here I am. Rambling again, and you might not even have the ability to tell me to stop. Oh dear" he finishes with a chuckle. "Sorry" he finishes.

"That's quite alright," I respond with. Although cautiously as I do not remember how I got here. I assume that I ended up in a hospital. Not uncommon for someone like myself. But oddly enough, I'm not covered in a single bruise I notice. I start checking my body to see what injury could've possibly gotten me planted in here, when I look up I find the tall guy staring at me like he just saw a ghost.

"Uh. Hello?" I ask him.

"Y-you. You talked?"

Now it was my turn to give him that stare. Talked? Or course I could talk? Did I suffer a jaw injury? I reach up to examine my jaw and find nothing wrong. What could he be referring to?

"Look," I said. "I seemed to have suffer from amnesia or something. I don't know why I ended up here. I seem to have no injuries. So can you please get the doctor to tell me what's wrong? And call my-" I stop. Call who? Why would I call someone? I feel as though I'm forgetting someone when Mr. Tall guy speaks again.

"Well, I'm not sure about that doctor. But I can tell you you're 'diagnosis'. You're dead."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2015 ⏰

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