Calls Me Home

237 17 3

Birthday gift for CC_Green-Spain


She sipped her coffee, looking sadly out the window at the thin dusting of snow falling on the quiet roads. It's funny, she thought, how life can sometimes just push you down, and you never get an opportunity to fight back. She didn't know if she'd had an opportunity, but if she did, she had missed it on that day so long ago.

He thought to himself about how occasionally the years will just pass without you realizing until you turn around and look back.

It's been too many years.

Running through the peaceful Spanish streets he remembered so many good things about, he thought about what he was doing and what he had done.

He had travelled to many amazing places, achieved many things, but his breath was short, and he felt the need to breathe again.

She thought about the time when she was younger, the coffee she held warming her cold fingertips. She had been so proud. Too proud, perhaps. She had thought that she was perfect, but she was only lost in her own ignorance.

She had gained so much since then. Things had fallen into her lap, and she was very fortunate in this, but the things she had earned were far more important to her. She had to earn her way in life.

She had thought that she had earned him. She supposed now that she never had.

The white snow, so rare in the Spanish village, blanketed the world in a still silence. It felt almost as if the world stood still at that point, leaving nothing but the falling crystals.

He continued running, turning corners, the only thing moving in this world of hushed tranquility.

He could feel a pull in his heart, as if there was a voice calling to him to come to its source, to return to where he is meant to be.

He felt the need to start again.

Chiara set down her coffee cup on the table, peering out the window at the road. Flakes of white obstructed her view at first.

A figure could be seen at the end of it, growing closer quite rapidly.

She approached the window and looked more closely, for something inside her had told her that this person was important.

Antonio ran down the street, his destination finally in sight as he struggled to keep his breath under control.

Recognition flared in her mind, and Chiara bolted for the front door, not bothering to grab a coat as she scrambled for the lock. Throwing it, she yanked open the door, not bothering to change her house slippers for shoes as she rushed out of the house, running to the person in the street.

Antonio could see a person come out of the house he was headed for, moving towards him, brown hair flowing behind her as snowflakes fell gently onto her head. He ran faster.

The two reached each other at the same moment and fell into a deep kiss, caught up only in the other. His hands tangled in Chiara's hair, and hers entwined themselves around his neck, their heads moving in sync with one another as they kissed in the snow for the first time in too long. A single hot tear fell from her eye and spattered onto his sleeve.

They pulled away, neither one especially wanting to, but needing to regain their breath. For a moment, no words were exchanged, but neither had any idea where to start.

Chiara shivered slightly in her thin black jacket, simply gazing at Antonio's brilliant green eyes, too caught up in him, the fact that he was here, to notice. But it did not escape Antonio's senses, and he scooped her up, ignoring her small shriek of protest as he began walking back to the house they had once shared.

"Can we start over?" he whispered, watching her face carefully for any of the resentment he remembered and expected her to have at his return.

Chiara's eyes held no ill feelings, however. Her face shone from the cold, and her eyes watered still, but gleamed with happiness and love.

She nodded and leaned her head against his chest, allowing him to carry her through the still-open front door and over the threshold.

And that night, with the fire in the fireplace burning low and a blanket wrapped securely around the both of them, when Chiara fell asleep leaned into his side, Antonio smiled softly and picked her up again, setting her gently in the bed before climbing in behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist, thinking as he drifted off to sleep:

Maybe we can both breathe easy again.



I decided that was a little overdone and went for something different. ^^

They may seem a little OOC eheheh *sweat drop* But that's just how I saw it happening, so that's what I wrote.

The song I based this off of is Calls Me Home by Shannon LaBrie.

~ Alice

I own neither the characters nor the song nor the cover image!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2015 ⏰

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