XVII. answers.

360 18 21

Talking for hours with Avdol caused you to fall asleep very late. It was now eight o'clock and you were getting ready to go to school.

Avdol was still sleeping on the couch, his body warmly wrapped in the blanket.

Trying not to wake him up, you grabbed your bag, took your coat, and put on your shoes. You left him a note before leaving:

" I have classes this morning,
Feel free to cook anything you want for breakfast and you can stay as long as you want. There's a double of the keys on the table if you need it :) love you see you <3 "

You walked to college along with a sweet melody in your headphones - your morning playlist.

Arriving, you went to the coffee shop - as always - an took an iced latte.

You headed towards your classroom, being a few minutes early.

Nobody was there yet. You sat at the back of the room, putting all your stuff on your desk while drinking your coffee to actually feel awake during the upcoming lesson.

You waited patiently, scrolling through your phone.

However, you were not the only one early today.

Someone entered the classroom without you noticing due to your headphones' music.

He found a path between the desks and the seats, and stopped in front of you.

He stared at you, a small laugh escaped his soft pink lips.

And without your consent, he sat right next to you, acting like he did not know you.

Your eyes finally left your screen and directly laid on him, casually preparing himself for today's class.

He lifted his head, looked at you, and acted surprised when he saw you staring, immediatly noticing the bewildered look on your face.

" Oh hi, y/n, didn't see you there! "

" Kakyoin, what a coincidence. " you replied with a tone full of irony.

As many of others students arrived simultaneously, Noriaki acted like he did not hear you, like he did not know you at all, probably to annoy you - and it did.

Yet, you did not even have the time to be mad at him: while checking if somebody was looking at you, he grabbed your chin with one finger and gazed at you. The hapiness in his stare was burning at your sight. He leaned towards your lips, tenderly brushing your cheeks with his hand. You hesitantly closed your eyes, expecting him to kiss you. However, your heard his breath right next to your ear, sending you shivers all over your body. You knew right away the man was smirking even if you had your eyes closed.

" I hope you slept well, darling. " he slowly whispered then gently pressed his lips on your neck paying attention not to make any noise that could make the other students turn around.

His lips began to travel all over your neck, exploring every inch of it. He would leave small kisses everytime he moved while his right hand rested on your cheek. An olfactory pleasure took over you the second you smelled his sweet perfume.

" Kakyoin, please, " you exhaled, while the man already placed his hand on your thigh. His grip was firm yet reassuring, making you feel safe in his arms. He started to rub your skin with circular motions, applying a light pressure that was mirroring the growing tension between you two.

Someone had to set boundaries to these little activities since you were both in a classroom full of students that - thankfully - were not looking in your direction, probably too tired or too busy themselves.

' Are we even supposed to be in a relationship? '

As Kakyoin was still covering you with kisses, your mind came up with a hundred of non-answered questions about your relationship with cherry-boy.


Friends with benefits?

In a possible relationship?

Noriaki's lips continued brushing against your neck, not getting tired of the feeling of your soft skin.

' Should I talk to him? Or should I wait? '

You did not know what to do, so you chose the safest option.

" Kakyoin please stop- " you gently pushed him.

He immediatly got his hands off you and looked at you. You saw in his eyes the concern, scared that he did something wrong; scared that he possibly hurt you. He replied, whispering so no one except you could listen.

" I'm sorry, did I went too far? I didn't mean to- "

" No, it's okay- listen: can we talk after the class? "

Saying this did not make things better for Kakyoin as he became a lot more stressed.

" It's not a big deal, I swear- " you tried to reassure him, " I just need to be sure about some things. "

" Yeah sure, is everything okay though? "

You were surprised: he was the one being uneasy regarding your serious tone, still he asked if you were okay. It could sound basic to many people, but it meant a lot to you somehow.

" Yeah don't worry, "


next chapter tomorrow :)

𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 [kakyoin]Where stories live. Discover now