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AN: Hello party people. If ur reading this it means i updated this chapter to make it more compelling. Anyways as always in the story there is no such thing as covid. the plot is that y/n and quackity are in a band together. the pronouns are they/them. Enjoy the chapter and feel free the leave any feedback you may have!


As y/n walked into the small poorly air conditioned studio they were suddenly glad they dressed for warm weather. All they were wearing was shorts and a crop top with some sandals but with how warm it was getting it was hard to not want to stay inside and sit in cold water forever, alas they had things to do and places to be. When they opened the door they peered up and sighed before putting their keys in their pocket and setting down the big case holding their bass. There was only one other member there yet again. Quackity was doing his usual things which included laying on the floor writing sheet music or lyrics for sheet music. Quackity was the pianist and song writer for the band and almost always was either at y/n's house or at the studio. Y/n looked back to see him wearing black shorts and a navy blue t-shirt. His classic divorced dad style that everyone had came to get used to. His beanie that he had normally worn was thrown onto the floor next to him and his hair was in his face. 

   "Heyyyy big Q" Y/n's voice had shocked him into reality as he turned to them and smiled. "Looks like it's just us again bub." He said as he went back to writing. The two other bandmates had been missing practice more often which bothered y/n but tweetie had to take care of her younger siblings and Sylvester was studying for her college exams so y/n couldn't really blame them. "Funnnn.  Anyways what's going on with your hair, I'm not used to seeing it down or so messy." Y/n sat down next to the boy and looked over his shoulder reading the lyrics that were being written. Lyrics never interested y/n due to the fact that they never had to sing but Quackity's lyrics always managed to speak to them in some way. "It's too hot to wear a hat or beanie." Y/n laughed before grabbing a hair tie off their wrist and gently pulled his hair into a small bun. "There, that should help a lil bit. If not at least it's off your neck."

   He messed with it a bit before y/n slapped his hand away. "Stooooop you'll ruin it." He laughed as he patted their hand. "Just admiring your work chillax" They rolled their eyes and shook their head before standing up again. "Right, whatever. Anyways is there anything you wanna practice or is today just gon be a chill out day?" Y/n had known quackity for almost 5 years now and they knew he hated the heat and liked to laze around when it was warm out. "Ehhh let's just chill for a little bit and I'll think of stuff we might need to practice." Y/n shrugged as they grabbed two waters from the small mini fridge in the corner of the room before walking back to him and handing him one.

  "Thanks." He took a drink and y/n followed suit before laying on their back next to him. "Well there's this new cafe nearby that just opened up that we could walk to."  They looked over to quackity and saw him calmly staring at the ceiling before smirking. "What like a date? Man y/n your confident." Y/n groaned before elbowing him in the side. "Nope. Never mind. I'm going alone. See ya later dork." Y/n quickly got up and grabbed their things. "NooOo duckie wait I'll come with." Duckie. A name that Quackity had made up to call them. He'd call them that to purposely tease them because he knew how much it bothered them. Y/n turned and kicked him in the stomach lightly. "Don't call me duckie."  "Don't leave without me." Quackity quickly got up before running out the door before y/n could say anything. 

  "What're you gonna get?" He asked as they waited in line to order. Y/n quickly read over the menu before sighing. "Eh probably just a fruit smoothie and a muffin. What about you?" He looked over to the menu again and then turned back to her. "An iced coffee and a sandwich, I didn't eat breakfast this morning." He laughed as they stepped forward and ordered. 

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